In It for the Long Haul: Increasing Diversity in Tech Teams with Nadia Fischer

Updated: November 19th, 2023

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Witty Works is a B2B SaaS that enables organizations to write & act inclusively and be more diverse in their hiring process. Nadia Fischer and Lukas Kahwe Smith founded this business to increase women's representation in the digital & tech space.

Naida initially majored in international relations at the IUHEI in Geneva, but she soon became disenchanted with politics and founded this business.

With the use of de-biased language, AI and micro-learning businesses can now write inclusively, thanks to Witty Works.

Through real-time, mobile, seamless correction of bias in communication across the entire organization, Witty assists users in becoming conscious of their own prejudice.

The goal of Witty Works is to finally solve the puzzle of how to effectively represent women on tech and digital teams and use their potential to get the best results.


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