How I'm Planning To Redesign My Entire Branding Agency [Update]

Published: February 26th, 2024
Ash Ome
Founder, MOTIF®
from Beverly Hills
started November 2015
Discover what tools Ash recommends to grow your business!
Discover what books Ash recommends to grow your business!

Hello again! Remind us who you are and what business you started.

I am Ash Ome, a creative mind in the realm of branding and marketing, driven by a relentless passion for creativity, strategy, and human connection. If you’ve already read my stories on Starter Story you already know that with a background as the founder of a top-tier advertising & brand marketing agency, I embarked on a journey to redefine brand narratives and consumer engagement.

Recently we have stepped toward brand incubation with my team at MOTIF®, specializing in empowering lifestyle, fashion, beauty, and wellness brands. I continue to shape the future of modern brands with innovative strategies and a human-centric approach.

My philosophy revolves around embracing disruptive ideas and fostering authentic connections to propel brands toward unparalleled growth and success. Through MOTIF®, I endeavor to inspire others to push the boundaries of innovation and reimagine the possibilities within the industry.

So it's a brand new brand growth agency model but not an agency actually, we provide agency expertise but with a feeling of an in-house team. So our offering is simple, it's our expertise but your team. We’ve two different offers 1. Incubation 2. Acceleration.

While the incubation program is for brands already doing over $100,000 and acceleration for startup brands. The core offering is the same which is we will grow you to $400000 per month, while other agencies would say we would grow you to the moon our message is “We can only grow you to $400K cause that’s our max ability, then we will build your team or we will be part of the long term growth”


Tell us about what you’ve been up to. Has the business been growing?

Last year was pretty decent, if you read my last cover on Starter Story you would know that my life treated me so badly or hard you can say. After coming back from rehabilitation last year I have revamped the entire company, new hiring, new verticals, and innovations.

So we took a couple of test brands to test out our offering. So I can't say business declined or grew so much.

Our previous works continued to award us with decent PRs and awards. We were named top agencies in a couple of verticals in 2023 just because of our great work.

As I’ve already mentioned we have revamped our offerings so had to reshape the team and we are continuously doing that. In the meantime, we have activated a new marketing method which we are calling “Unconventional On Brand Marketing through humor.” So basically what we have done is “Our funny, memes, and humorous contents were doing good with the email channel so we brought it to social media”.

Haven’t done any particular PR but got the Outstanding Leadership Award by Marketing Conf 2.0. So our PR game was on point last year which led us to some groundbreaking partnerships.

For us, social media value posting content is dead now, as a lot of people are doing that. So we flipped to the humor parts and that made exponential brand recall lift. Which led us to gain some traction as an Incubator Company.







What have been your biggest challenges in the last year?

The biggest challenge last year was to focus on the business side after coming back from the trauma and long break. It was really hard. At the same time as I am feeling demotivated without my wife to whom I lost connection, working constantly was a challenge. But when you’re in business and doing great you will always be under peer pressure.

Managing this peer pressure is a challenge in itself. Previously we were listed in Shopify Expert and BigCommerce expert portals which were giving us pretty decent leads but for the last 6 months it's not working anymore and it won’t work great.

Particularly the new model I have introduced won’t work with traditional Business-to-business marketing so we are doing unconventional tactical marketing like the meme video examples I have given, finally writing a book on Brand Acceleration which will give us pretty decent qualified leads I believe.

One big change I’m aiming for is to hire a COO to take over the operational side of things. I’ve found myself more in a planning role than being hands-on lately, and I want to focus more on creative projects. It’s about finding the right balance between managing the business and staying true to our creative vision.

As we navigate these shifts, we’re committed to staying innovative and keeping the human touch alive in everything we do.

I encourage you to be bold and embrace innovation. The future belongs to those who aren't afraid to dream big and try new things.

What have been your biggest lessons learned in the last year?

Last year I learned one thing: you need a break to break out the blocks! I have made a couple of mistakes like I have revamped everything without a plan which led us to a dry pipeline. In the future, I would not do that again. I would rather have a disaster plan in place and then work toward the changes.

One cool thing I have started is making music. Finally, I have started my other creative career. I believe it will help me a lot to get over my heartache and I'm looking forward to writing some relative things.

Venturing into music has become a refreshing outlet for me—a new creative avenue that promises healing and inspiration. It's not just about making beats; it's about finding solace and expressing emotions that words alone can't capture. As I immerse myself in melodies and lyrics, I'm embarking on a journey of self-discovery and renewal.

On the business front, one major decision stands out: I've shifted away from traditional production team building. Instead, I've opted for a more practical approach by co-acquiring existing teams. This change has streamlined our operations, promoting efficiency and collaboration among diverse talents. It's a move that's proving to be both innovative and effective, allowing us to focus more on creativity and less on logistical hurdles.

In embracing these new paths—both musical and strategic—I'm embracing the power of adaptation and seizing opportunities for growth and fulfillment. Each chord struck and each decision made brings me closer to a future filled with possibility and purpose.

What’s in the plans for the upcoming year, and the next 5 years?

Looking ahead, my vision for MOTIF over the next eight years is to evolve into a holding company with the essence of a vibrant media entity. Think of it as a playground where creativity meets entrepreneurship—a place where budding talents come to learn, grow, and ultimately unleash their brands onto the world stage.

While I won't reveal too much just yet, our journey involves unveiling a series of sister brands, agencies, and surprises that will redefine the landscape of branding and media. Our goal? To create a space where innovation flourishes and connections deepen, where brands resonate with human experiences and diverse cultures.

In essence, MOTIF's transformation will mirror a media empire in the making—a testament to the power of creativity and community. As we embark on this exciting journey together, let's embrace the adventure ahead, forging a future where brands thrive, stories unfold, and dreams become reality.

What’s the best thing you read in the last year?

I didn’t read much last year, just re-read the Shoe Dog book to refresh my memory, strategy, and wisdom. In my lonely business days that helped and motivated me a lot.

I don’t listen to podcasts a lot either but Jason Swenk’s podcast is the one I listen to and take decisions seriously with thay,decidedion to be an incubator after Jason Swenk talked about the agency category and the future of that.

If you’re working at your agency you shouly listen to Jason Swenk’s podcast.

Advice for other entrepreneurs who might be struggling to grow their business?

I would keep it short, nothing new what I said last year would sound the same here as someone deeply immersed in the world of branding and marketing, I've picked up a few important lessons I'd love to share.

1) First off, being genuine is key. In a world full of noise, authenticity stands out. It's crucial to make sure that whatever you're putting out there feels real and honest to your audience.

2) One big mistake I see often is focusing too much on numbers. While metrics are important, they shouldn't overshadow the human side of things. Quality matters more than quantity. Meaningful interactions and stories can make a bigger impact than just chasing likes or clicks.

I encourage you to be bold and embrace innovation. The future belongs to those who aren't afraid to dream big and try new things. Let's work together to inspire change and make a positive impact in our industry and beyond.

So, let's keep it real, focus on what truly matters, and never stop dreaming.

Are you looking to hire for certain positions right now?

We are currently seeking dynamic individuals to join our team in the roles of Creative Director, Branding Strategist, and COO. As part of our team, you will be responsible for spearheading creative initiatives, developing innovative branding strategies, and optimizing operational efficiency.

These positions offer both full-time and part-time opportunities with competitive compensation packages. If you're passionate about making a meaningful impact and driving transformative change in the world of branding and marketing, we invite you to apply by sending your resume, case st,udy or portfolio to for more information and to submit your application. Join us in shaping the future of branding and inspiring the world with creativity and innovation.

Where can we go to learn more?

To learn more about us and what we do, visit our website.

You can also find us on Facebook and on LinkedIn

If you're curious to know more about Ash, head over to his Facebook. Feel free to reach out to us via email at for any questions or to connect directly. Follow us across our platforms to stay updated on our latest news and insights as we work together to shape the future of branding and innovation.