10 Ways To Make Money As A Web Designer [2024]

Updated: February 28th, 2022

Web designers are creative and dedicated individuals with a strong understanding of design, geometry, color theory, typography, and web programming languages.

Finding diversified ways to make money as a web designer can be a challenging task - which is why we've detailed how you can make money as a web designer below.

Here are 10 creative ways to make money as a web designer:

How Do I Become a Web Designer?

There are many different ways to become a web designer. Most creators who get into the profession of web design do so with an associate degree in multimedia or they've learned the necessary skills through other forms of education.

If you are willing to put in the time, effort, and dedication to become a web designer, there are plenty of ways to make money in this field.

If you are looking to become a web designer and want to learn the fundamentals, we've put a full step-by-step guide together here.

How Much Money Does a Web Designer Make?

According to CNN Money, web designers on average make a salary of just over $77,000 a year. However, the actual amount you earn as a web designer will depend on where you work and what type of organization employs you.

Some organizations pay their employees more than others based on the region in which they are located and the industry for which they specialize. For example, a web designer who works for a large media company will likely make more money than one who works for a small company selling widgets online.

10 Ways to Make Money as a Web Designer

1. Work as a Freelance Web Designer

One of the best ways to earn money as a web designer is to work freelance or to start your own design studio. As a freelancer, you will need to hustle and market yourself in order to have any web design jobs come your way. The good news is that if you work hard, take the time to find the right clients, and become well known throughout your community or industry then you will likely be able to earn a very good living as a freelancer.

  • Market Competition [8/10]
  • Earning Potential [7/10]
  • Experience Required [Beginner]

2. Web Design Portfolio Making

If you have a portfolio of website designs that you can show potential clients then this may be enough to convince them to hire you for their next web design project. However, if your portfolio is not quite where it should be in terms of quality and quantity then there are options for you. One option is to hire a web designer who already has an excellent portfolio to design your website for you under your direction. You may then include screenshots of the work when selling yourself as a freelancer. Another option, if you are not yet ready to have your own web design portfolio, is to create free websites for small businesses in need of a website in order to market themselves.

  • Market Competition [8/10]
  • Earning Potential [6/10]
  • Experience Required [Intermediate]

3. Web Development Projects

Another way to earn money as a web designer is by taking on one or several web development projects at the same time. Many small businesses need help with their online presence but don't have the budget for an entire team of professionals working behind the scenes to design and maintain their website. As a web designer, you can take on one or several small web development projects in order to keep your skills sharp and earn money while doing it.

  • Market Competition [7/10]
  • Earning Potential [8/10]
  • Experience Required [Intermediate]

4. Freelance Writing Jobs

Another way to earn money as a web designer is through freelance writing jobs. Many web designers use their skills to create content for websites, online magazines, and blogs. As a writer, you will need to know how to write about design-related topics in order to be successful. However, there are many opportunities available if you are willing to put the time into getting started with freelance writing jobs.

  • Market Competition [7/10]
  • Earning Potential [8/10]
  • Experience Required [Intermediate]

5. Start a Web Design Business

Another way to earn money as a web designer is to start your own design studio. Many people dream about being their own boss and setting their own hours, but few have the skills necessary to pull it off. If you have a natural gift for web design then it may be a good idea to take what you know and turn it into your own business. Start by offering affordable services to local businesses in need of an online presence, work hard to maintain a good reputation, and make sure you are financially prepared for the challenges that come with starting your own business.

  • Market Competition [6/10]
  • Earning Potential [5/10]
  • Experience Required [Intermediate]

6. Sell E-Books or Digital Downloads

Creating e-books and other digital downloads is another way to make money as a web designer, especially since many online shoppers are looking for unique ways to make their lives easier. For example, you may find success selling e-books that contain tips and advice on how to get the most out of a website or blog or how to use a particular software feature. You could also create digital downloads that teach others how to effectively market their websites and online businesses, especially if you have experience with SEO, social media promotion, e-mail marketing campaigns, and anything else related to building an effective Internet presence.

  • Market Competition [6/10]
  • Earning Potential [5/10]
  • Experience Required [Expert]

7. Teach Web Design Courses Online

Another way to make money as a web designer is by teaching web design courses online using sites like Udemy, which allows you to teach valuable skills and techniques to students from all over the world. If you have been creating websites for a while then chances are pretty good that you know more than the average person when it comes to designing websites, programming code, and using graphics software. By teaching online courses, you can share your knowledge with others who are looking to make more money or start a career in web design.

  • Market Competition [7/10]
  • Earning Potential [6/10]
  • Experience Required [Expert]

8. Sell Web Templates

Selling web templates is another way to make money as a web designer, especially if you have experience in designing website themes and layouts with HTML and CSS. You can build your own portfolio of website templates by finding work on freelance websites or through various agencies. Some designers even go so far as to create their own template marketplaces online, which allows them to sell their templates and other designers can purchase them for use on their projects. You could also create your own website template design company that offers custom designs that clients can either customize themselves or hire you to customize it for them.

  • Market Competition [8/10]
  • Earning Potential [7/10]
  • Experience Required [Intermediate]

9. Sell Stock Photos

Another way to make money as a web designer is by selling stock photos online. Websites like Adobe Stock and iStockphoto allow non-photographers to sell their high-quality digital images online, helping businesses find the right photo for their websites without having to hire a professional photographer every time they need an image. As a designer, you can take great pictures of your own projects or create graphics that can be sold as stock photos, with most websites offering a percentage of the sales for every stock photo you sell.

  • Market Competition [8/10]
  • Earning Potential [7/10]
  • Experience Required [Intermediate]

10. Work for a Web Design Company

If you're just getting started with making money as a web designer, working for another web design company may be the best way to familiarize yourself with all of this business has to offer. You can find jobs at advertising agencies, graphic design studios, and various online marketing companies. These companies will help teach you how to market your services so that you can become successful on your own after a few years of experience.

  • Market Competition [7/10]
  • Earning Potential [8/10]
  • Experience Required [Beginner]

Best Tools For Web Designers


Freelance services marketplace at affordable costs.

Businesses using Fiverr:

533 successful businesses are using Fiverr ➜

Get Fiverr ➜


Free and open-source content management system based on PHP and MySQL.

Free to use/open source but you will need to pay for the hosting.

Businesses using WordPress:

871 successful businesses are using WordPress ➜

Get WordPress ➜

Adobe XD

A vector-based system for putting together prototypes, including tools for creating interactions, transitions, and other types of dynamic functionality

Businesses using Adobe XD:

Get Adobe XD ➜


Web design is a dynamic and growing industry, making it a great choice for anyone looking to start a career as a web designer.

This list contains some of the most popular ways that designers can make money on their own or by working with a company, whether you are just getting started in the web design industry or if you have years of experience under your belt.

Besides learning to design your own websites and graphics, you may want to consider looking at the various ways to make money as a web designer so that you can start turning your skills into a successful business venture.

meet the author
Samantha Walls

I'm Sam Walls, COO of Starter Story - a platform and community for entrepreneurs and future founders to learn what it takes to build a great business. I joined the Starter Story team approximately 3 years ago, with the goal of providing our readers with the best, most valuable, and inspirational content on the internet.