Automation Consulting Business

Business Idea: Start An Automation Consulting Business in 2024

Updated: September 18th, 2024

Avg Monthly Revenue
Avg Revenue
Avg Days To Build
183 days

Looking for a business idea that’s both forward-thinking and essential in today’s market? Consider starting an automation consulting business.

In simple terms, you help companies streamline their operations through technology, enabling them to save time and reduce costs. Your role will involve identifying inefficient processes and recommending software tools or scripting solutions to automate repetitive tasks.

The appeal here is clear: businesses across industries are eager to improve efficiency but often lack the internal expertise to implement these changes. With the growing prevalence of automation, there's a substantial opportunity to carve out a niche for yourself as an expert in this field.

Starting this business requires a solid understanding of various automation tools and platforms, and an ability to analyze business processes. If you possess these skills, you can position yourself at the forefront of business innovation, helping companies navigate the future with ease.

Revenue & Profitability

How much do automation consulting businesses make?

Examples Of Successful Automation Consulting Businesses

Successful automation consulting business businesses and case studies

SolutionBuggy is an AI-based manufacturing consulting platform, providing end-to-end solutions for entrepreneurs looking to start the manufacturing industry, having completed over 2000 projects with 50,000 industries and 10,000+ experts registered on their platform, and planning to expand with 20 million registered MSMEs and 300,000 consultants in the next few years.

$20K Monthly Revenue
Read by 4,598 founders

NotionForms, a SaaS company offering a form builder integration to Notion, boasts an impressive total of 26k users, 850 paid subscribers, and an ARR of $182k, with steady growth since its launch and being used internally by many huge tech companies.

$14.5K Monthly Revenue
Read by 8,413 founders

See full list of successful automation consulting businesses.