Event Photographer

Business Idea: Become An Event Photographer in 2024

Updated: September 18th, 2024

Avg Monthly Revenue
Avg Startup Costs
Market Size
Avg Revenue
Avg Days To Build
97 days

Do you enjoy capturing memorable moments? Becoming an event photographer is a great way to combine your love for photography with your love for events.

Event photographers often work for companies that specialize in event photography. They are hired because of their expertise and experience with the kinds of events they will be covering. They may also be hired by individual clients who have a specific need for event coverage, such as a wedding or corporate retreat. You can find potential clients through social media or local networking groups; once you've got a few clients lined up, start scheduling events with them so you can really show off your skills.

Aside from having a passion for photography, it's also important that you have some experience with lighting and setting up equipment at events. You should also be aware of how various lenses function and what they are used for.

Revenue & Profitability

How much do event photographers make?

Examples Of Successful Event Photographers

Successful event photographer businesses and case studies

This case study follows the journey of an Indian first-generation entrepreneur who built Studio 31, a profitable and award-winning wedding photography and film company capturing over 350 weddings annually, with a unique focus on customer experience and organic marketing, serving more than 90% NRI clients and generating an annual revenue of about a million dollars.

$50K Monthly Revenue
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How two ice-skating world travelers built a wedding photography business with a focus on intimate, outdoor weddings, working mainly in Yosemite National Park, where they managed to attract clients almost solely through content marketing and SEO, bringing in an average of 12-18k per month.

$14K Monthly Revenue
$30K Startup Costs
Read by 2,288 founders

See full list of successful event photographers.