Form Builder Tool

Business Idea: Start A Form Builder Tool in 2024

Updated: September 3rd, 2024

Avg Monthly Revenue
Avg Startup Costs
Market Size
Avg Revenue
Min Revenue
Max Revenue
Avg Days To Build
75 days

Simplify data collection for businesses by creating a form builder tool.

A form builder tool allows users to design custom forms for surveys, registrations, feedback, and more without needing coding skills. This tool streamlines the process and offers templates tailored to various industries and business needs.

By creating a user-friendly interface and versatile options, you can attract a diverse clientele ranging from small businesses to large enterprises. The demand for efficient data collection is universal, making this a field ripe with potential.

Developing a form builder tool requires an understanding of user experience and software development, but the rewards can be significant. With the right approach, you can create a solution that saves time and effort, making it an appealing business opportunity for tech-savvy entrepreneurs.

Revenue & Profitability

How much do form builder tools make?

Examples Of Successful Form Builder Tools

Successful form builder tool businesses and case studies

123FormBuilder co-founder and CEO, Florin Cornianu, shares how they grew their SaaS business to almost 100 employees, over a hundred thousand active users, and broke the $1M annual recurring revenue mark through a market-centric, data-driven approach to product design and product marketing, a solid channel partnership strategy, and aggressively reinvesting profits.

$420K Monthly Revenue
Read by 5,440 founders

Bootstrapped online form builder Paperform, founded by Diony McPherson and her husband, grew from a lifestyle business launched in 2016 to an annual revenue of over $1.5m by 2021, thanks to investing resources in supporting customers and creating a high-quality product.

$218K Monthly Revenue
$5K Startup Costs
Read by 7,300 founders

See full list of successful form builder tools.