Image Consulting Business

Business Idea: Start An Image Consulting Business in 2024

Updated: September 18th, 2024

Avg Monthly Revenue
Avg Startup Costs
Avg Revenue
Avg Days To Build
10 days

Image consultants are specialists who improve a client's personal or professional image. The image consultants evaluate, enhance and upgrade client appearances, behavior, and communication skills.

Revenue & Profitability

How much do image consulting businesses make?

Examples Of Successful Image Consulting Businesses

Successful image consulting business businesses and case studies

Entrepreneurs achieve a $10,000 MRR and 150,000 user signups in just four months through SEO, free AI tools, and lean marketing spend, highlighting the power of rapid iteration, distribution, and a focus on user feedback to drive business growth.

$10K Monthly Revenue
$500 Startup Costs
Read by 2,165 founders

Discover how a design engineer turned his side-project into a thriving SaaS business, Pika, generating $3,500 in monthly recurring revenue by automating image generation for over 250 customers with virtually zero initial investment.

$3.8K Monthly Revenue
Read by 3,234 founders

See full list of successful image consulting businesses.