Ios App

4 Ios App Success Stories [2024]

Updated: September 6th, 2024

Have you ever thought about creating an iOS app? iOS apps are software applications specifically designed to run on Apple's iPhone and iPad devices. The beauty of this business idea lies in its versatility and wide-ranging potential.

The first step involves identifying a problem or need that your app can solve. You don't need to be a coding whiz; you can hire developers or use user-friendly app-building platforms. The process involves designing the user interface, writing the code, and thoroughly testing the app before release.

With millions of iPhone users worldwide, an iOS app can reach a vast audience. Whether it’s a productivity tool, a game, or a niche utility, your app could potentially generate substantial revenue through in-app purchases, advertising, or direct sales on the App Store.

Starting an iOS app business requires creativity, market research, and a bit of grit, but the payoff can be rewarding.

In this list, you'll find real-world ios app success stories and very profitable examples of starting a ios app that makes money.

1. Songstats ($828K/year)

Oskar Eichler, co-founder of Songstats, came up with the idea for his business while working as a label manager and DJ in Shanghai. Being involved in the music industry, he recognized the value of data analytics for artists and record labels and wanted to provide a platform that aggregated insights across various music services. After teaming up with his co-founders, they built Songstats and now have over 6,000 customers generating almost $1 million in annual recurring revenue.

How much money it makes: $828K/year
How much did it cost to start: $400K
How many people on the team: 8


How These Friends Bootstrapped A $1M/Year Business Out of Their Love for Music

Songstats is a music data analytics SaaS platform that aggregates insights across 14 different music services, approaching $1 million in annual recurring revenue and growing its team of music lovers, ultimate frisbee players, and close friends that came together in Bali, Indonesia with a shared vision of launching their startup.

Read by 4,471 founders

2. Miventure ($60K/year)

Jason Crystal and Luiggi Pera founded Miventure based on their passion for democratizing investing and supporting early-stage startups. Initially focused on small business debt, they discovered a stronger market in investment crowdfunding, particularly in the friends and family round. Since launching their equity crowdfunding mobile app, Miventure has attracted over 2,000 potential investors and has 7 active campaigns with over $500,000 in funding capacity.

How much money it makes: $60K/year
How much did it cost to start: $1M
How many people on the team: 3


How We Created A $15K/Month Equity Crowdfunding Platform To Invest In Startups

Miventure, an equity crowdfunding app, has raised over $500,000 in funding from 2,000 potential investors since launching a month ago, with one campaign already reaching its minimum funding goal and six campaigns remaining active.

Read by 4,897 founders

3. Purpur ($36K/year)

Elena Zaharova and Anfisa Savchenko leveraged their marketing expertise from a skincare company to launch Purpur, a therapy-game app that deepens relationships through conversation, after their printed card games generated over $300K in sales. With an app launch in spring, they aim for $3K monthly revenue by mid-October.

How much money it makes: $36K/year
How much did it cost to start: $7K
How many people on the team: 5


How These Two Founders Created & Monetized A Therapy iPhone App

Purpur App, a therapy-game app to develop relationships through talking, generated over $300K in sales from printed card games and have launched a new app that has the potential to reach $3K monthly revenue by mid-October.

Read by 3,231 founders

4. DisplayBuddy ($18K/year)

Siddharth, an iOS engineer based in Singapore, came up with the idea for his indie app DisplayBuddy when he noticed his colleague struggling with switching between his work laptop and gaming PC on his monitor. Remembering a software he used in the past to control monitor settings, Siddharth developed a Mac app that allows users to control external displays directly from their menu bar. After launching the app in February 2021, Siddharth has gained 900 happy customers and crossed $5,000 in revenue.

How much money it makes: $18K/year
How much did it cost to start: $100
How many people on the team: 2

I Launched A Mac App With Zero Advertising [800+ Customers In First 8 Months]

An iOS engineer based in Singapore created DisplayBuddy, a Mac app that allows users to control external displays from their menu bar, which has now reached an average MRR of $600 and garnered 900 happy customers and 6,000+ users on SetApp.

Read by 2,995 founders