Kids Store

Business Idea: Start A Kids Store in 2024

Updated: September 3rd, 2024

Avg Monthly Revenue
Avg Startup Costs
Market Size
Avg Revenue
Min Revenue
Max Revenue
Avg Days To Build
60 days

The kid's store business is a large market attracting millions of annual global sales and steady growth. If you plan to start a kids store business, you can specialize in clothing, toys, and accessories or sell all of these in one store.

Research the local market to discover what is appealing, and find the best suppliers. Define a business model and apply for applicable licensing. For kids apparel stores, a physical storefront acts as an anchor and helps build a local customer base. An online store will help you reach a wider market as you supply to those outside your locality.

Revenue & Profitability

How much do kids stores make?

Startup Costs

How much does it cost to start a kids store?

  • It can cost as low as $500 to start a kids store.
  • It can cost as high as $400,000 to start a kids store.

Learn more about the costs of a kids store.

Examples Of Successful Kids Stores

Successful kids store businesses and case studies

Trunki CEO and Founder Rob Law turned his innovative ride-on kids suitcase design into a global lifestyle brand, selling over 4 million suitcases in over 100 countries and earning £9.5 million in 2019, by understanding his customers and prioritizing customer service and reviews.

$1M Monthly Revenue
$15K Startup Costs
Read by 15,347 founders

Continuum Games, Inc. President Greg Hughes started his toy and game distribution company with a $5 wholesale card game and today generates an average of $250k per month in revenue, rising to $600k in peak season from a combination of manufacturing and distribution of over 40 games.

$250K Monthly Revenue
$15K Startup Costs
Read by 7,277 founders

See full list of successful kids stores.