Personal Finance Blog

Business Idea: Start A Personal Finance Blog in 2024

Updated: September 3rd, 2024

Avg Monthly Revenue
Avg Startup Costs
Market Size
Avg Revenue
Min Revenue
Max Revenue
Avg Days To Build
7 days

Ready to help others navigate the complexities of money management? Consider starting a personal finance blog. At its core, this business involves sharing valuable financial advice, tips, and strategies through engaging content.

Your focus could be on budgeting, investing, saving for retirement, or paying off debt—any topic that can guide readers toward better financial choices. You don't need to be a financial expert to start; relative knowledge and a knack for research can go a long way.

A personal finance blog can be as fulfilling as it is profitable. With a growing readership, you can monetize through affiliate marketing, sponsored posts, and even eBooks or online courses. Imagine the impact of helping people transform their financial lives while building a steady income stream for yourself. If you have a passion for writing and a desire to educate, a personal finance blog offers a meaningful and scalable business opportunity.

Revenue & Profitability

How much do personal finance blogs make?

Startup Costs

How much does it cost to start a personal finance blog?

  • It can cost as low as $10 to start a personal finance blog.
  • It can cost as high as $500,000 to start a personal finance blog.

Learn more about the costs of a personal finance blog.

Examples Of Successful Personal Finance Blogs

Successful personal finance blog businesses and case studies

How one financial services company, Good Life Companies, went from a multi-faceted service organization to a nationally recognized brand with $25 million in revenue, averaging 50-75% growth per year, by providing independent financial advisors with the support, infrastructure, and real estate necessary to operate their practices and meet all needs, along with investing in marketing strategies and expanding their offering to multiple broker-dealer channels.

$2M Monthly Revenue
$500K Startup Costs
Read by 6,363 founders, a personal finance blog geared towards millennials, went from zero to over $2 million in revenue in four years through a laser focus on affiliate marketing, constantly creating useful, keyword-oriented content that helps readers solve a problem, SEO, and diversifying income verticals.

$200K Monthly Revenue
Read by 21,424 founders

See full list of successful personal finance blogs.