Personal Trainer Marketplace

Business Idea: Start A Personal Trainer Marketplace in 2024

Updated: September 3rd, 2024

Avg Monthly Revenue
Avg Startup Costs
Market Size
Avg Revenue
Avg Days To Build
45 days

The Personal trainer marketplace is a marketplace of personal trainers and fitness instructors. The latest market trends indicate that the global personal training industry is growing at an exponential rate. With this, the demand for reliable and competent personal trainers and trainers-in-training is also rising.

The market size of the Personal Trainers industry in the United States is $13B in 2022. It increased faster than the Life Sciences sector overall.

Revenue & Profitability

How much do personal trainer marketplaces make?

Examples Of Successful Personal Trainer Marketplaces

Successful personal trainer marketplace businesses and case studies

Fitness coach Zakk Colburn started The Personal Trainers Business Incubator in 2020, generating $250k in sales in the first year and, with a team of 15 employees, finished 2022 at $1.3 million in sales, providing an online hub for trainers to learn how to start and grow their own businesses.

$200K Monthly Revenue
Read by 1,843 founders

Sweat from Home is a two-way, interactive, and live-streaming group fitness workout startup that has held over 800 classes since March 2020, generates $25k in monthly recurring revenue, and has donated over $7k to 6 different charities; they aim to become the world's best live-streamed fitness class.

$25K Monthly Revenue
Read by 9,106 founders

See full list of successful personal trainer marketplaces.