Real Estate Blog

Real Estate Blog Success Stories [2024]

Updated: September 22nd, 2024

Blogging about real estate is a great way to share your knowledge and connect with potential clients. As a real estate blogger, you'll be responsible for creating content that covers topics like buying and selling property, home improvement, and landlord-tenant law.

You'll need to be a good writer and have a strong understanding of the industry to be successful. But, if you're passionate about real estate and have something to share, starting a blog could be the perfect business idea for you.

To make a living from their blog, bloggers usually have to monetize their site through advertising, sponsorships, or affiliate marketing. Every time one clicks on an advertisement, they make a small amount, usually somewhere between $0.50 and $5.00 depending on the advertisement.

The current trend of people wanting to learn more about real estate and investing is making the real estate blog business more popular than ever. People are always looking for new and interesting ways to learn about the industry, and a blog is a great way to reach a wide audience.. Plus, it's a relatively low-cost business to start up, making it a great option for those on a budget.

You can use your blog to generate income through advertising and affiliate marketing. Or, you could use it to build a client base and eventually start your own real estate consulting business.

In this list, you'll find real-world real estate blog success stories and very profitable examples of starting a real estate blog that makes money.

1. Prop Media ($186K/year)

Ebs Turner started Prop Media after realizing that traditional advertising was cost-inefficient for companies. His breakthrough came during his university years while balancing exams and entrepreneurship, eventually growing his London-based marketing agency to $18,000/month.

How much money it makes: $186K/year
How much did it cost to start: $0
How many people on the team: 2


How I Started A $15K/Month Marketing Agency Specialised In Lead Generation

A 25-year-old entrepreneur shares his journey of starting a property marketing agency, with a current monthly income of $18,000/month, and divulges the importance of having a niche and going all-in on client results and experience.

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2. The Modest Wallet ($102K/year)

Ricardo Pina, an engineer, started The Modest Wallet after feeling frustrated with financial advisors who didn't provide access to the best financial products. He wanted to share his knowledge and help others achieve their financial goals, leading him to create a personal finance blog. Through hard work and an SEO strategy, The Modest Wallet has seen success, bringing in an average of $8,500 per month in revenue after almost two years in business.

How much money it makes: $102K/year
How much did it cost to start: $1.5K
How many people on the team: 0


This Solo Founder Grew A Personal Finance Blog To $102K/Year

The Modest Wallet is a personal finance website founded by Ricardo Pina that generates an average of $8,500 a month in revenue by using an affiliate commission revenue model, with a strong emphasis on SEO to drive website traffic.

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