Sauce And Ketchup Business

Business Idea: Start A Sauce And Ketchup Business in 2024

Updated: September 3rd, 2024

Avg Monthly Revenue
Avg Startup Costs
Market Size
Avg Revenue
Avg Days To Build
86 days

Ketchup is used primarily in commercial fast-food shops, but its demand is increasing at the household level. The demand for ketchup is supported by the significant growth in the food and beverage industry.

Revenue & Profitability

How much do sauce and ketchup businesses make?

Examples Of Successful Sauce And Ketchup Businesses

Successful sauce and ketchup business businesses and case studies

KPOP Foods, a Korean food company, generated nearly $100,000 in revenue since last year through its successful Kickstarter campaign and Amazon's Choice badge; they have entered over 90 specialty stores throughout the west coast and are currently raising an investment round to expand their distribution into major retailers and are launching new sauces later this year.

$200K Monthly Revenue
Read by 10,479 founders

Trini Pepper Sauce co-founder and co-owner, Mustafa Mannan, shares how he successfully imported and manufactured his family's unique pepper sauce recipe and launched it through a Kickstarter campaign, now selling an average of $3,000/month in revenue.

$2.25K Monthly Revenue
Read by 34,588 founders

See full list of successful sauce and ketchup businesses.