Seo Business

Business Idea: Start A Seo Business in 2024

Updated: September 3rd, 2024

Avg Monthly Revenue
Avg Startup Costs
Market Size
Avg Revenue
Min Revenue
Max Revenue
Avg Days To Build
60 days

Want to help businesses rank higher on Google? Start an SEO business. SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is about enhancing a website’s visibility on search engines, driving organic traffic, and improving site ranking.

Your role? Analyze, strategize, and optimize content and web structure to match search engine algorithms. The demand for SEO expertise is ever-growing, as businesses constantly strive for online presence and relevance.

Set your own hours, take on various clients, and build long-term relationships. If you have a knack for research and a strategic mindset, SEO could be a rewarding entrepreneurial path. With a mix of creativity and analytics, the insights you provide could be the key to unlocking significant online success for your clients.

Revenue & Profitability

How much do SEO businesses make?

Startup Costs

How much does it cost to start a SEO business?

  • It can cost as low as $60 to start a SEO business.
  • It can cost as high as $600,000 to start a SEO business.

Learn more about the costs of a SEO business.

Examples Of Successful Seo Businesses

Successful SEO business businesses and case studies

High Voltage SEO co-founder Kyle Roof explains how his company provides bespoke SEO services based on scientific testing and how offering productized services and shifting from month-to-month to longer contracts helped increase their profitability and client lifespan.

$180K Monthly Revenue
$1K Startup Costs
Read by 2,652 founders

Scalenut is an AI-powered SEO and content marketing platform that aims to help businesses scale their efforts to nail the entire content life cycle, from planning to creation, which has led to the company turning over $100,000 in MRR within 6 months of launching.

$100K Monthly Revenue
$100K Startup Costs
Read by 2,751 founders

See full list of successful SEO businesses.