Startup Business

3 Startup Business Success Stories [2024]

Updated: September 6th, 2024

Are you intrigued by the prospect of building something from scratch? Consider starting a startup business.

In simple terms, this means developing an innovative product or service, forming a team, and scaling your company with the aim of disrupting existing markets. It’s not for the faint-hearted; the journey demands resilience, creativity, and a willingness to take calculated risks.

What makes this idea compelling is the limitless potential for growth and impact. Whether you're creating a tech platform, a unique consumer product, or a groundbreaking service, a startup allows you to bring big ideas to life.

By navigating the challenges of funding, product development, and market entry, you could shape the future landscape of your chosen industry. If you have the passion and dedication, there’s no reason you can’t turn this ambition into a thriving venture.

In this list, you'll find real-world startup business success stories and very profitable examples of starting a startup business that makes money.

1. Byldd ($600K/year)

Ayush, the founder of Byldd, came up with the idea for his business after seeing the struggle that founders, especially non-technical ones, face when building their first product. He wanted to solve this problem by helping founders build revenue-generating minimum viable products (MVPs) that are just good enough to solve a problem and get customers to pay for it. Since starting as a side project in 2019, Byldd has grown to a team of 35 people and is now making over $50K MRR.

How much money it makes: $600K/year
How much did it cost to start: $10K
How many people on the team: 35


How This Business Generates $50K/Month Building MVPs For Non-Technical Founders

Byldd is a startup that democratizes software entrepreneurship by making it easier and less capital-intensive for non-technical founders to start software businesses, building very focused revenue-generating MVPs for bootstrapping founders, growing from a side project to a team of 35 people and making over $50K MRR.

Read by 2,279 founders

2. Zovo Team Ltd. ($240K/year)

Mahamud Hasan, the founder of Zovo Team Ltd, started his business as a freelance graphic designer in 2016. After realizing the lack of technical and business knowledge among entrepreneurs, he expanded his services and formed a team of experts to provide comprehensive solutions for startups. With an estimated revenue of 12.5k$/month and yearly 150k$+, Zovo Team Ltd has become a top branding agency in Bangladesh.

How much money it makes: $240K/year
How much did it cost to start: $200
How many people on the team: 40

We Built A $150K/Year Portfolio Of Online Businesses [From Bangladesh]

Zovo Team Ltd, founded by Mahamud Hasan and his co-founders, is a full-stack digital marketing solutions company with an estimated revenue of $12.5k/month and yearly $150k+. They have six subsidiary brands that provide A to Z solutions for entrepreneurs, and their team is dedicated to the development of new entrepreneurs by offering effective solutions.

Read by 4,495 founders

3. Startups of London ($72K/year)

Startups of London was founded by an entrepreneur who noticed a lack of rich media content about the startup scene in London. With a background in understanding human behavior and previous experience in startups, the founder launched the business in September 2019 as a documentary company profiling startups with video and rich content. The pandemic shifted their focus to SEO and discovering niche areas of need, resulting in impressive growth with over 100,000 people reached and becoming the number one organic result for key search terms in their audience.

How much money it makes: $72K/year
How many people on the team: 4


On Creating A Media Website To Cover London's Startup Ecosystem

Startups of London is a media company profiling startups in the UK with a focus on high-value content creation that has seen over 100,000 people reached and is the number one organic result for many key search terms, since their launch in September 2019.

Read by 3,342 founders