Storytelling App Business

Storytelling App Business Success Stories [2024]

Updated: September 6th, 2024

Have you ever imagined turning the age-old art of storytelling into a thriving digital business? A storytelling app could be your ticket. It’s a platform where users can craft, share, and discover stories, merging creativity with technology.

By developing a storytelling app, you’re providing a space for writers to showcase their talent and readers to explore diverse narratives—all from the convenience of their devices. Think of it as a community where stories are told, exchanged, and celebrated.

This venture does require dedication—developing the app, collaborating with writers, and marketing to avid readers. But the potential to create a vibrant storytelling ecosystem makes it all worthwhile. If you’re passionate about literature and tech, starting a storytelling app could be the perfect blend of both worlds.

In this list, you'll find real-world storytelling app business success stories and very profitable examples of starting a storytelling app business that makes money.

1. MasterClass ($93.6M/year)

Rogier decided he wanted to do something with education. Yet, he wasn’t sure what exactly this would be.

He posted ads on Craigslist to pay people $10 an hour to talk about their educational experiences. He asked his interview partners questions like:

  • Who did you learn the most from?
  • Which topics would you have loved to study more?
  • What things do you want to learn now? And how do you want to learn them?

These conversations helped him sharpen his vision.

But, when he recorded the first videos, they looked like crap.

So Rogier reached out to a professor from his grad school who was an experienced cinematographer, and he offered to film the videos.

That’s how the courses started looking like high-class Hollywood movies.

How much money it makes: $93.6M/year
How many people on the team: 701


How MasterClass Makes $90M+ ARR Selling Courses Online

MasterClass founder, David Rogier, built a platform offering online courses taught by world-class experts, experiencing rapid growth with top-tier SEO strategies and a revenue of $93.6M/year since starting in 2015.

Read by 676 founders