Task Management Software

Business Idea: Start A Task Management Software in 2024

Updated: September 3rd, 2024

Avg Monthly Revenue
Avg Startup Costs
Market Size
Avg Revenue
Avg Days To Build
365 days

Struggling to keep track of your to-dos and deadlines? Explore task management software. This business idea involves developing a digital solution to organize tasks efficiently, set priorities, and streamline project workflows.

Task management software isn’t just a fancy to-do list. It’s a robust system designed to help individuals and teams collaborate seamlessly, ensuring that no deadlines are missed and productivity stays on track. With growing remote work trends, this tool becomes a necessity rather than a luxury.

Starting this venture requires a blend of software development skills and an understanding of productivity challenges faced by businesses today. Imagine providing companies with a platform that could revolutionize how they handle tasks and projects. The potential for growth and continuous improvement makes this a compelling business idea worth considering.

Revenue & Profitability

How much do task management softwares make?

Startup Costs

How much does it cost to start a task management software?

  • It can cost as low as $300 to start a task management software.
  • It can cost as high as $150,000 to start a task management software.

Learn more about the costs of a task management software.

Examples Of Successful Task Management Softwares

Successful task management software businesses and case studies

SmartTask is a project management tool that has received $300K in seed funding this year and it currently has 40,000+ active users, serving prominent brands such as Amul, Adecco, Ecolab, and ABB, among others, aiming to make people 3x more productive.

$4K Monthly Revenue
Read by 3,350 founders

Planndu is a productivity app that offers a focus timer, task prioritization, and note-taking features to help users manage their time; the company's revenue from subscriptions has grown by a commendable 24% month-over-month with 851 new users joining last month, proving its success.

$700 Monthly Revenue
$300 Startup Costs
Read by 2,547 founders

See full list of successful task management softwares.