Web Portal

Web Portal Success Stories [2024]

Updated: September 23rd, 2024

Looking to create a hub of valuable information and services in one place? Consider starting a web portal. A web portal is an online platform that consolidates a variety of resources, tools, and information around a specific industry or interest.

Imagine a one-stop destination where users can access news, articles, community forums, tools, and tutorials all under one digital roof. This comprehensive approach will attract repeated visitors seeking reliable and relevant content, thereby creating a loyal user base.

Setting up a web portal involves more than just designing a website; it requires consistent content updates, community engagement, and an intuitive user experience. With the right blend of original content and partnered resources, your portal can become a go-to site in your chosen niche.

If you’re motivated by building something that offers ongoing value to users while generating revenue through ads, subscriptions, or affiliate marketing, a web portal might be the business idea worth pursuing.

In this list, you'll find real-world web portal success stories and very profitable examples of starting a web portal that makes money.

1. Third Wave Analytics ($3.96M/year)

Savitra Sharma, the founder of Third Wave Analytics, came up with the idea for her business after witnessing the inefficiencies of technology in laboratories during her previous consulting roles. Realizing the need for a more optimal system, she reached out to Salesforce and proposed a collaboration to bring a new kind of software into the laboratory. With just $200 in capital, Sharma started Third Wave Analytics and built the world's first cloud-based laboratory information management system (LIMS) called Lockbox LIMS, which is now used internationally by organizations in various industries.

How much money it makes: $3.96M/year
How much did it cost to start: $200
How many people on the team: 7


How We Partnered With Salesforce To Develop A $330K/Month Laboratory Information Management SaaS

Third Wave Analytics developed the world's first cloud-based and customizable LIMS platform on Salesforce, generating $330k monthly revenue from clients such as Ohio State University and Boston University School of Medicine while partnering with the University of California-Berkeley for a COVID-19 study; founder Savitra Sharma advises aspiring entrepreneurs to focus on clear objectives to meet their goals.

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