Website Development Business

How Much Money Do Website Development Businesses Make? (2024)

Updated: June 23rd, 2024


  • Based on our data, website development businesses can make between $200-$8,500,000 per month.
  • The average revenue for a successful website development business is $387K per month.
  • The highest grossing website development business in our records makes over $102,000,000 per year.
  • Website development business owners salaries can vary wildly depending on industry, niche, and size of the business

So you're thinking about starting a website development business?

And now you're wondering how much website development business owners actually make...

Well, let’s dive in!

Here are example of real website development businesses and how much money they make - as reported by the founders themselves:

1. SharpNet Solutions, Inc ($4.2M/year)

SharpNet Solutions was founded in 1998 by Christopher Sharp, a chemical engineer who wanted to secure his family's future. After self-training in website building, he realized the potential of internet marketing and launched his own company. Today, with a team of 38 talented members, SharpNet generates over $4 million in annual gross sales, offering SEO, PPC, social media management, and website design services with a strong focus on customer satisfaction.

How much money it makes: $4.2M/year

2. WPX ($3.6M/year)

Georgi Petrov and his business partner Terry Kyle came up with the idea for WPX, a WordPress hosting company, after experiencing the poor quality and slow service of other hosting providers. They saw a need for a faster and more reliable hosting service that would cater to solopreneurs and non-techies. With just 2 people, they launched WPX and quickly gained customers, eventually growing to a team of 100+ and generating a yearly income of $3M.

How much money it makes: $3.6M/year


3. Wolfpack Digital ($3.6M/year)

Gina, the founder of Wolfpack Digital, came up with the idea for her app development agency after realizing the lack of soft skills and business strategy in the tech ecosystem in Romania. With a diverse background in engineering, psychology, and business, Gina was able to bring together her interests and tap into the impressive tech talent pool in her hometown of Cluj. Since launching in 2015, Wolfpack Digital has experienced impressive growth, reaching a yearly revenue of over $1.5 million.

How much money it makes: $3.6M/year


4. Huemor ($3M/year)

Example: Jeff, the co-founder of Huemor, started his journey as a graphic design student who freelanced to gain experience and earn money. After feeling unfulfilled in a corporate job, Jeff joined forces with a friend to build an internal agency for a media placement company. When the work environment turned toxic, they made a bold move to start their own agency, Huemor, and haven't looked back since. They've helped over 200 companies transform their digital presence and earned over 100 international awards, while maintaining a simple, customer-focused approach.

How much money it makes: $3M/year

5. Skynet Technologies ($1.2M/year)

Rajesh Bhimani, the founder of Skynet Technologies, started the digital agency and technology company with the goal of bringing digital transformation to businesses. Despite limited financial resources, he gathered support from friends in India and the USA and built a team. With a clear vision of offering all digital services under one roof, Skynet Technologies has grown to a monthly revenue of $150k - $200k.

How much money it makes: $1.2M/year


6. Sievers Creative ($1.2M/year)

Roger Sievers, founder of Sievers Creative, started the business as a side hustle to pay off his student loans. He saw a gap in the market for serving small-sized businesses that were underserved by larger agencies. After years of building skills and developing relationships, Sievers Creative has experienced impressive growth, with a team of 8 and a 40-50% year-over-year revenue increase.

How much money it makes: $1.2M/year


7. La Teva Web ($900K/year)

Francesc, the founder of LA TEVA WEB, came up with the idea for his web agency after realizing that there was a gap in the market for websites that could sell and achieve objectives in Barcelona. With his background in management and strategy, he combined his skills in coding and design to create a company that focuses on web design and online marketing. Today, LA TEVA WEB has grown to a team of 20 professionals and continues to enjoy growth and profitability, helping clients increase sales through their websites, e-commerce, and social media profiles.

How much money it makes: $900K/year


8. illumisoft ($792K/year)

Dan Prince, founder of illumisoft, started the company because of his passion for technology and creating innovative solutions. He realized that many technical projects fail because of a lack of understanding between business and technology. illumisoft bridges that gap by understanding the client's needs and designing solutions that meet their expectations. With over $10 million in projects and zero failed projects, illumisoft has become a trusted software development company in the healthcare industry.

How much money it makes: $792K/year


9. Three Girls Media, Inc. ($600K/year)

Erika Taylor Montgomery, founder of Three Girls Media, came up with the idea for her marketing and PR agency after leaving her career in broadcasting and politics. Recognizing the need for work-life balance and wanting more control over her schedule, she decided to launch her own business. With just a $3,000 loan, Erika started Three Girls Media, which has since grown to a team of 10 and grosses about $550,000 annually.

How much money it makes: $600K/year


10. Modern Launch ($600K/year)

Cody Benedetto and Ryan Serkes, founders of Modern Launch, started their custom software development company after experiencing success with their own business ventures. Within just three months of launching, they generated over $100k in revenue and have been profitable since their third week in business. Their services include mobile application development, website development, and custom software development.

How much money it makes: $600K/year