
How Jon Yongfook Bootstrapped Bannerbear To $50K MRR in 3 Years

Jon Yongfook Cockle
Founder, Bannerbear
from Singapore
started January 2019
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Bannerbear is an API and integration tool that enables users to automatically generate social media visuals, e-commerce banners, and more. Users can create no-code automated workflows to handle repetitive marketing tasks in the background.

Monthly Revenue
Starting Costs
95 🔥
Days To Build
Year Started
Growth Rate (CAGR)
B2B & B2C

Bannerbear Revenue

Bannerbear Growth Timeline
  1. Bannerbear hits $400 in revenue [source]
  2. Bannerbear hits $10K in revenue [source]
  3. Bannerbear hits $20K in revenue [source]
  4. Bannerbear hits $120K in revenue [source]
  5. Bannerbear hits $50K in revenue [source]
  6. Bannerbear hits $600K in revenue [source]

About The Bannerbear Founder

Who is Jon Yongfook Cockle?

Jon Yongfook is the founder of Bannerbear, an API that helps users automatically generate social media visuals. Jon is a seasoned entrepreneur and technological innovator with over a decade of experience working for multinationals and innovative startups.

Before starting his entrepreneurial journey, Jon worked at Aviva as the head of Digital Product & Design. He holds a Bachelor of Arts degree majoring in Accounting and Finance with Computing from the University of Kent.


About The Business

What problem is Bannerbear solving?

Designing and creating marketing materials, such as social media visuals and eCommerce banners, can be time-consuming. Bannerbear aims to streamline and automate these tasks to save time and increase efficiency for marketing teams.


How did Jon Yongfook Cockle get the idea for Bannerbear?

Jon worked as a designer and programmer for over two decades. In his role as a designer, he focused on developing various products and banners for marketing teams. The idea for Bannerbear stemmed from his desire to streamline the time-consuming design process.


How did Jon Yongfook Cockle build the initial version of Bannerbear?

Jon, an experienced developer specializing in Ruby on Rails, started by creating Previewmojo, a basic tool for generating open graph images using a limited set of templates.

Although there was initial interest from Producthunt, there wasn't enough demand for open graph images, so the project had limited success.

Realizing the limitations and the narrow appeal of the product, Jon turned to the Shopify ecosystem and developed an app. However, it didn't meet expectations because it required users to add code to their sites.

In response to feedback and recognizing the broader potential of the technology, Jon pivoted the business towards a more flexible and scalable solution. In March 2020, he relaunched the product as Bannerbear, focusing on its API capabilities.

This pivot allowed the business to serve a wider range of needs and move higher up the value chain, resulting in more meaningful customer interactions and a clearer demonstration of value. This was made possible by a strong foundation in Ruby on Rails and a strategic shift towards API and integration services.


What is the growth strategy for Bannerbear?

Jon dedicated 50% of his resources to marketing. Here is an overview of his marketing strategy that drove customers to his business, inspiring growth:

  • Tweeting about the things that interested his target audience
  • Joining and engaging communities where potential customers might participate
  • Blogging
  • Sending email newsletters often
  • In addition, Jon focused on offering quality results so existing users can recommend his products.



How does Bannerbear price their products?

Bannerbear offers three plans:

  • Automate - $49
  • Scale - $149
  • Enterprise - $299.

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More about Bannerbear

Who is the owner of Bannerbear?

Jon Yongfook Cockle is the founder of Bannerbear.

When did Jon Yongfook Cockle start Bannerbear?


What is Jon Yongfook Cockle's net worth?

Jon Yongfook Cockle's business makes an average of $50K/month.

How much money has Jon Yongfook Cockle made from Bannerbear?

Jon Yongfook Cockle started the business in 2019, and currently makes an average of $600K/year.