
How James Evans Built CommandBar to $2.3M ARR

James Evans
Founder, CommandBar
from San Francisco, CA, USA
started January 2020
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CommandBar is an AI-powered user assistance platform that makes products easier to use.

Monthly Revenue
92 πŸ”₯
Monthly Traffic
Year Started
B2B & B2C
Revenue Per Visitor

About The CommandBar Founders

Who is James Evans?

James Evans is the founder and CEO of CommandBar, a startup that is developed a search and navigation plugin for web applications. Before starting his entrepreneurial journey, James worked at Bain Capital Private Equity as a Private Equity Analyst, focusing on the technology subsector. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science from Princeton University.

CommandBar Co-founders James (Right)

About The Business

What problem is CommandBar solving?

Using newly launched software can be frustrating, especially for non-technical users.


How did James Evans get the idea for CommandBar?

James and his co-founders were working on an ed tech product for people teaching computer science to use when giving students feedback on their code. James and the co-founders were really good at talking to users and built anything users asked for.

The product became very top-heavy, and not everyone was using all the features. People were having trouble with basic processes, which led to a lot of support requests. At that time, there was a command pallet - an interface that users could trigger with a CommandBar. They thought this was a great idea for their situation because it would allow them to create a unified interface.

So, they built a command palette for their product, which worked amazingly, leading them to develop the CommandBar as a service.


What is the growth strategy for CommandBar?

Cold email strategy and word-of-mouth

  • Cold email: The founders had been reaching out to YC founders by sending them Loom videos showcasing CommandBar features. They sent the Loom videos via email to the founders and received a 30% response rate. response rate.
  • Word-of-mouth: The founders ensured the product experience was excellent, which sparked a referral loop, resulting in inbound growth.

For us, honestly, we, we cruised through our initial revenue milestones with the Loom videos and just word of mouth, like basically all of our big customers, in the early days just like came inbound, which I'm incredibly great before. β€” James Evans (Source)


How does CommandBar price their products?

CommandBar offers three paid versions, each of which has a free demo plan.

CommandBar Pricing as at May 2024

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More about CommandBar

Who is the owner of CommandBar?

James Evans is the founder of CommandBar.

When did James Evans start CommandBar?


What is James Evans's net worth?

James Evans's business makes an average of $200K/month.

How much money has James Evans made from CommandBar?

James Evans started the business in 2020, and currently makes an average of $2.4M/year.

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