No Code Founders

He Created A $25K Per Month No-Code Community

Joshua Tiernan
Founder, No Code Founders
No Code Founders
from Edinburgh, UK
started January 2020
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Monthly Revenue
Starting Costs
95 🔥
Monthly Traffic
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Year Started
B2B & B2C
Revenue Per Visitor

No Code Founders Revenue

No Code Founders Growth Timeline
  1. Joshua Tiernan starts the business
  2. No Code Founders hits $172K in revenue

About The No Code Founders Founder

Who is Joshua Tiernan?

Joshua Tiernan is the creator of No Code Founders, a community intended for non-technical entrepreneurs and founders who are building online businesses without code.

Based in Edinburgh, JT is a no-code developer and has successfully built and sold startups using no-code tools.

He also shares his knowledge on creating successful 1-person no-code businesses through his community.


About The Business


How did Joshua Tiernan get the idea for No Code Founders?

Joshua was working on building a job board using Bubble and felt a bit disconnected, he wanted to meet other founders who were using no-code tools to build their projects.

He created a Slack channel and shared it in a couple of forums to see if anyone would be interested in joining.

By just doing that, he got over 100 people join in a few weeks.


How did Joshua Tiernan build the initial version of No Code Founders?

JT initially started a Slack community and gradually expanded its features to include profiles for founders, startups, tools, job listings, interviews, meetups, deals, and more, effectively turning it into a comprehensive platform for exploring the no-code ecosystem.

He runs the community single-handedly, taking on multiple roles, from site development to community management.

He generates revenue through PRO memberships, which offer additional benefits over free memberships and paid partnerships with no-code tools that want to promote their services to the community.


What is the growth strategy for No Code Founders?

In terms of marketing, Joshua has decided not to do much. Instead, he's been focused on engagement.

JT posts automated tweets every day sharing content from the site, which seems to bring some organic growth.

He didn't want to ruin the authenticity and engagement in the community by attracting a massive influx of new users and removing the one-on-one relationships that people were building.



How does No Code Founders price their products?

The community access has 3 plans available: Free (Slack access only), Slack + Perks ($99 lifetime), and Slack + Perks + Courses ($168 lifetime).

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More about No Code Founders

Who is the owner of No Code Founders?

Joshua Tiernan is the founder of No Code Founders.

When did Joshua Tiernan start No Code Founders?


What is Joshua Tiernan's net worth?

Joshua Tiernan's business makes an average of $25K/month.

How much money has Joshua Tiernan made from No Code Founders?

Joshua Tiernan started the business in 2020, and currently makes an average of $300K/year.