Nomadic Matt

How Matthew Kepnes Built Nomadic Matt To $750K ARR

Matthew Kepnes
Founder, Nomadic Matt
Nomadic Matt
from Nashville, TN, USA
started March 2008
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Nomadic Matt is a travel blog that helps tens of millions of people travel more for less with time-tested and proven tips and advice.

Monthly Revenue
95 🔥
Monthly Traffic
Year Started
B2B & B2C
Revenue Per Visitor

About The Nomadic Matt Founder

Who is Matthew Kepnes?

Matthew Kepnes is the founder and CEO of Nomadic Matt, a popular travel blog. He obtained a Bachelor's Degree in Education from the University of Massachusetts Amherst and a Master of Business Administration from Suffolk University. Matthew is also the author of the New York Times bestselling book, "How to Travel the World on $50 a Day."


About The Business

What problem is Nomadic Matt solving?

Tourists worldwide seek tips for budget travel and inspiration for destinations.


How did Matthew Kepnes get the idea for Nomadic Matt?

In July 2006, Matt set off on a global adventure. As an early travel blogger, he encountered backpackers who demonstrated that he didn't need to be tied down to a job or be wealthy to travel long-term on a budget. They showed him that millions of people did it every year. After this trip, he returned home with the idea of creating a website to teach people how to "travel better for less".


How did Matthew Kepnes build the initial version of Nomadic Matt?

When Matt decided to start blogging, he didn’t know anything about making a website. Luckily, on his adventures around the world, he met a British couple who happened to be web designers.

They agreed to help him set it up and taught him HTML. He hand-coded the website and used Dreamweaver to build it. At night, during the weekends, and even during his day job when no one was looking, Matt learned about blogging, HTML, and SEO.

Eight months later, he started posting.


A snapshot of Nomadic Matt landing page from 2008


What is the growth strategy for Nomadic Matt?

Nomadic Matt grew organically.

Matthew learned how Google and SEO worked and used that knowledge to enhance his website. He had witnessed other bloggers being penalized by a Google algorithm update, so he prioritized the content as the best strategy to maintain a top position on Google's search results page by optimizing his content for Google. Additionally, he began connecting with bloggers outside the travel industry who mentioned his blog and provided backlinks, which further boosted his organic growth.

I brought a lot of SEO knowledge into Nomadic Matt, so I was ranking highly on search, which helped me get media mentions. I got a hit in the New York Times in 2010 and that launched everything.. — Matt (Source)


A tweet showing Matt connecting with other bloggers and exposing his brand

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More about Nomadic Matt

Who is the owner of Nomadic Matt?

Matthew Kepnes is the founder of Nomadic Matt.

When did Matthew Kepnes start Nomadic Matt?


What is Matthew Kepnes's net worth?

Matthew Kepnes's business makes an average of $62K/month.

How much money has Matthew Kepnes made from Nomadic Matt?

Matthew Kepnes started the business in 2008, and currently makes an average of $744K/year.