Pod Squeeze

How Tiago Bootstrapped AI-Podcast Tool To $16K MRR.

Tiago Ferreira
Founder, Pod Squeeze
Pod Squeeze
from Lisbon, Portugal
started January 2023
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Podsqueeze helps podcasters save time and effort by generating different types of content for and from their episodes.

Monthly Revenue
91 🔥
Monthly Traffic
Year Started
B2B & B2C
Revenue Per Visitor

Pod Squeeze Revenue

Pod Squeeze Growth Timeline
  1. Pod Squeeze hits $144K in revenue [source]
  2. Pod Squeeze hits $192K in revenue [source]

About The Pod Squeeze Founders

Who is Tiago Ferreira?

Tiago Ferreira is a professional software engineer, entrepreneur, and co-founder of Podsqueeze, which is a tool powered by AI and helps podcasters with content creation.

Tiago also hosts the Wannabe Entrepreneur Podcast.

Prior to starting his entrepreneurial journey, he worked full-time at Trivago as a software engineer in the DevOps team. Later, he participated in the creation and development of different products.


About The Business

What problem is Pod Squeeze solving?

The process of generating content for a podcast can be time-consuming and tedious, involving a lot of manual work. As a result, podcasters often struggle to keep up with their production schedules, leading to missed deadlines and lost opportunities.


How did Tiago Ferreira get the idea for Pod Squeeze?

Podsqueeze was inspired by Tiago’s need for a solution to automate and streamline the content generation process for his Wannabe Entrepreneur Podcast.

At that time, he realized that many other podcasters, both independent creators and podcasting agencies, were facing the same challenge.

Thus, he created a tool that would alleviate podcaster’s pain points and make their podcasting journey more efficient and enjoyable.


How did Tiago Ferreira build the initial version of Pod Squeeze?

Tiago developed Podsqueeze using Python and Google Cloud Functions for the backend, which ensures scalability and efficient process handling. He utilized the Firebase Realtime Database for real-time data management and user information.

The frontend is created with React for dynamic user interfaces and Tailwind CSS for styling, and it is deployed through Netlify for easy updates and scaling.

This combination of a tech stack provides a flexible, scalable, and efficient process for developing applications.


How did Tiago Ferreira launch Pod Squeeze?

Podsqueeze Product Hunt Launch was a standout marketing event for Tiago.

The PH launch allowed Podsqueeze to gain significant visibility and attract many visitors to their page.

Tiago and co-founders prepared extensively for the launch by fine-tuning their funnel, optimizing the landing page, and ensuring a seamless user experience.

The Product Hunt launch generated substantial interest, boosting customer acquisition and overall growth.


What is the growth strategy for Pod Squeeze?

PodSqueeze’s growth strategy focused on:

  • Engaging with potential customers on social media platforms like Reddit and Twitter,
  • Implementing a targeted cold email outreach to connect with podcasters,
  • Leveraging word-of-mouth by ensuring customer satisfaction and continuously improving the product,
  • Launching on Product Hunt to gain visibility and attract a significant audience.

These efforts combined effectively contributed to increasing PodSqueeze’s customer base by emphasizing product value and user experience.



How does Pod Squeeze price their products?

Pricing starts from $11/Month for single-user plans and $41/Month for agency plans.

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More about Pod Squeeze

Who is the owner of Pod Squeeze?

Tiago Ferreira is the founder of Pod Squeeze.

When did Tiago Ferreira start Pod Squeeze?


What is Tiago Ferreira's net worth?

Tiago Ferreira's business makes an average of $16K/month.

How much money has Tiago Ferreira made from Pod Squeeze?

Tiago Ferreira started the business in 2023, and currently makes an average of $192K/year.