28 Business Ideas For Back-End Developers [2024]

Updated: September 3rd, 2024

Interested in starting a business as a doctor in 2024?

If managed well, building a business as a doctor could be more lucrative than employment. So, which are the best business ideas for Doctors?

We put together 28 of some of the best doctor business ideas you can start in today.

For each business idea, we'll show you real-world examples of other doctor businesses to help you see what it takes.

Here's the full list:

1. Start a tech talent platform ($852K/month)

As a back-end developer, you could leverage your technical expertise to start a tech talent platform, an online marketplace that connects tech talent with employers. Your understanding of database management, server-side scripting, and API integration would be crucial in building a robust and scalable platform, distinguishing your offering in the competitive market.

Additionally, by combining your coding skills with an entrepreneurial mindset, you could design a seamless user experience that attracts both job seekers and companies, providing easy navigation and reliable matching algorithms. This venture could supplement your income with subscription fees from businesses or commission on successful hires, offering significant potential for growth and profitability.

How much you can make: $1,000 — $5,000,000/month

How long does it take to build: 133 days (?)

We Bootstrapped A Tech Talent Platform To $1.2M Sales In Our First Year

CloudDevs, a tech talent platform that sources and vets freelance tech talent and matches them with companies, has achieved $1 million in GMV in its first year, plans to achieve 100% growth year on year, and focuses on customer loyalty through its Net Promoter Score metric.

Read by 17,330 founders

2. Start a saas company ($296K/month)

As a back-end developer, you could leverage your technical skills and deep understanding of server-side processes to create a robust SaaS product. This venture could involve developing tools like project management software, automation engines, or workflow designers that businesses can access and use over the internet through a subscription model. With the rise in demand for SaaS solutions to minimize IT costs and boost efficiency, there's ample opportunity to carve out a niche within this expanding market.

By starting a SaaS company, you could supplement your income or transition to a full-time entrepreneurial role. The recurring revenue model of SaaS ensures a stable income stream, allowing you to focus on continual product improvement and customer satisfaction. Your familiarity with back-end systems positions you uniquely to build high-quality, scalable software solutions that could attract a significant user base and potentially mimic the success seen by giants like Salesforce.

How much you can make: $20 — $20,833,333/month

How long does it take to build: 120 days (?)

Time commitment per week: Min. 5 hours/week

I Turned My Side Project into A $26K/Month SaaS Tool

AI-powered web application, Excelformulabot.com, generates Excel formulas within seconds for a subscription fee of $6.99/month or free for five formula requests per month, resulting in $14k/month in recurring revenue since its launch in September 2022, accruing millions of visitors through word of mouth, influencer marketing, SEO, and PPC, implemented through no-code web application Bubble.io, while preparing to penetrate a B2B market and focus on B2B outreach in the future.

Read by 22,123 founders

3. Start a micro saas ($83.3K/month)

As a back-end developer, starting a micro-SaaS could present an exciting opportunity to leverage your technical skills into a profitable side business or even a full-time venture. By focusing on niche markets and developing targeted software solutions, you could provide highly specialized and customized tools that large-scale SaaS providers may overlook. This could lead to capturing a devoted customer base by addressing specific pain points with precision.

You could use your expertise in server management, databases, and API integration to create robust, efficient back-end systems for your micro-SaaS product. Prioritizing customer feedback and continuously refining your software could enhance its value and lead to long-term success. Selecting scalable platforms will ensure that your micro-SaaS can grow alongside your customer base, allowing you to gradually supplement your income or build a standalone business.

How much you can make: $117 — $1,766,666/month

How much does it cost to start: $500 (?)

How long does it take to build: 60 days (?)

How We Developed A $29K/Month WhatsApp Plugin For Shopify

SuperLemon, a WhatsApp plugin for Shopify eCommerce stores, crossed $29,000 in MRR as of July 2020, with 20,000 users from 50+ countries and 1700+ paying customers, all acquired through organic marketing strategies and a relentless focus on customer service and satisfaction.

Read by 23,575 founders

4. Start a wordpress maintenance services ($24.3K/month)

As a back-end developer, you could leverage your technical skills to start a WordPress maintenance service, a business that caters to website owners overwhelmed by the complexities of managing their sites. Your expertise in server-side operations, security protocols, and optimization can be put to productive use by handling crucial tasks such as security updates, plugin and theme management, speed optimization, backups, and troubleshooting for your clients' WordPress sites.

This venture offers a stable and recurring income through monthly service plans, making it an attractive side hustle or even a full-time business. The scalable nature of this business allows you to start small and expand by hiring a team of specialists or incorporating automation tools as your client base grows.

If you’re passionate about tech and enjoy solving problems, this could be a fulfilling and lucrative entrepreneurial path, allowing you to maintain and enhance existing websites, ultimately providing peace of mind for your clients while creating a reliable revenue stream for yourself.

How much you can make: $600 — $100,000/month

How much does it cost to start: $550 (?)

How long does it take to build: 22 days (?)

How I Started A $1.4K/Month WordPress Support Service

Work Hero is a WordPress support and maintenance service that went from working with one website in December 2019 to 13 recurring customer sites today, earning ~$1470/month with most customers paying an unlimited fee of $149/month.

Read by 7,842 founders

5. Start an email app business ($64.6K/month)

Starting an email app business could be a natural extension of your skills as a back-end developer. By leveraging your expertise in database management, server-side logic, and API integration, you could develop a robust platform that offers intelligent filtering, prioritization, and perhaps even AI-driven responses. This addresses a real need in a world increasingly dominated by digital communication, making it a venture with significant potential.

Given your background, you could focus on creating a scalable and secure infrastructure that ensures optimal performance and data protection. Your ability to build efficient, back-end systems could set your product apart from established competitors like Gmail and Outlook, offering users a streamlined and personalized email experience. With the increasing demand for efficient communication tools, an innovative email app can capture a substantial market share and provide a valuable service to both individuals and businesses.

How much you can make: $21 — $400,000/month

How long does it take to build: 180 days (?)

We Built Our App From The Back Of A Bus And Grew It To 10,000 Users

Leave Me Alone, a web service that helps users easily unsubscribe from unwanted emails, launched in January 2019 and made $1,186 in revenue in its first month, with a successful Product Hunt launch and a focus on being an open startup contributing to its success.

Read by 13,351 founders

6. Start a no code platform ($308K/month)

Starting a business around a no-code platform could be a lucrative side venture or full-time role for a back-end developer. As you already understand the intricacies of software development, you could leverage no-code platforms to rapidly build and deploy applications without the time-consuming process of writing extensive code. This allows you to focus on creative solutions and user experience, opening doors to innovative projects and market opportunities.

You could reach a broader audience, targeting entrepreneurs and small business owners who lack technical skills but have compelling ideas. The ability to quickly create prototypes and MVPs could also help you test the market faster and adjust your offerings based on real-world feedback. This entrepreneurial approach could not only supplement your income but also provide you with a new avenue to explore your creative and business instincts.

How much you can make: $3,000 — $3,000,000/month

How much does it cost to start: $749 (?)

How long does it take to build: 85 days (?)

How I Started A $7K/Month Marketplace To Connect Companies With No-Code Talent

Codemap.io is a freelance & agency marketplace for no-code, low-code, and automation, enabling anyone to hire no-code experts to build their products, MVPs, and apps up to 10x cheaper and faster than with traditional development, with 900+ clients, close to $2,000,000 in created projects, and 110+ hires made, all achieved in less than 6 months.

Read by 10,779 founders

7. Start an innovation and technology co. ($1.99M/month)

Starting an innovation and technology company could be an ideal venture for you as a back-end developer. With your specialized skills in facilitating seamless data management and server operations, you could offer consulting services to businesses aiming to integrate disruptive technologies such as AI, blockchain, and IoT into their workflows. This entrepreneurial pathway allows you to leverage your expertise and help companies streamline operations, enhance productivity, and stay competitive in a rapidly evolving tech landscape.

By helping businesses adopt the latest tech trends, you position yourself as a critical partner in their pursuit of operational excellence. With the growing need for tailored technological solutions among enterprises, this venture could generate a steady income stream and offer many growth opportunities. If you value staying ahead in tech trends and enjoy crafting customized solutions to meet specific client goals, starting an innovation and technology company could prove to be a rewarding and lucrative endeavor.

How much you can make: $1,000 — $13,500,000/month

How long does it take to build: 135 days (?)

How We Designed A $200K/Month Idea Management Software

UK-based Idea Drop is a software-as-a-service (SAAS) allowing businesses to identify, refine and execute innovative ideas through its platform, which is already being used by MT, Ericsson, and the Kent Police Force, offering a public challenge facility allowing clients to crowdsource ideas, with one Covea idea implemented via the platform estimated to save the company £2.5m over five years.

Read by 7,588 founders

8. Start a health and wellness app ($108K/month)

As a back-end developer, creating a health and wellness app could be an ideal way to leverage your technical skills and enter a growing market. By designing a seamless back-end infrastructure, you could ensure the app offers personalized fitness routines, nutrition plans, and mental well-being exercises, enhancing user experience and engagement.

This venture would involve collaborating with health experts and integrating complex algorithms to deliver custom solutions, providing users with their own virtual coach in their pocket. Additionally, your proficiency in database management could enable efficient progress tracking, keeping users motivated to achieve their goals. If you’re passionate about both technology and wellness, this business offers the chance to make a meaningful impact while supplementing your income or even becoming your main entrepreneurial pursuit.

How much you can make: $600 — $300,000/month

How long does it take to build: 200 days (?)

I Created A $2.7M/Year Software That Extends People's Lives By Analyzing Their DNA

Founder and CEO of SelfDecode, Joe Cohen, explains how his company helps people discover personalized diet, supplement, and lifestyle recommendations based on DNA and lab tests; generating about $2.7 million in revenue over the past year and raising $8 million in a crowdfunding campaign, SelfDecode provides personalized health recommendations prioritized on unique genetic variants, marking the future of healthcare.

Read by 8,603 founders

9. Start a no code automation business ($23.5K/month)

Embarking on a no-code automation business could provide you, as a back-end developer, with a lucrative side hustle or even a full-fledged business without the need for extensive coding. You could employ various no-code tools to automate mundane tasks and streamline workflows for businesses. This allows you to leverage your problem-solving and analytical skills in a new dimension, offering solutions such as automating email marketing campaigns, integrating different applications, and managing customer data more efficiently.

With the increasing demand for optimized efficiency and reduced operational costs, businesses are keen on adopting no-code automation. As a back-end developer, your technical background would enable you to understand and implement these automations more effectively, providing you an edge in the competitive market. Exploring popular no-code tools and obtaining certifications can further bolster your credibility and attract more clients, ultimately converting your skill set into a profitable venture.

How much you can make: $5,000 — $100,000/month

How much does it cost to start: $500 (?)

How long does it take to build: 70 days (?)

How I Started A $7K/Month Marketplace To Connect Companies With No-Code Talent

Codemap.io is a freelance & agency marketplace for no-code, low-code, and automation, enabling anyone to hire no-code experts to build their products, MVPs, and apps up to 10x cheaper and faster than with traditional development, with 900+ clients, close to $2,000,000 in created projects, and 110+ hires made, all achieved in less than 6 months.

Read by 10,779 founders

10. Start a crossfit business

As a back-end developer, you could leverage your analytical and problem-solving skills to efficiently manage the operational aspects of a CrossFit gym. Setting up an online platform for class bookings, membership management, and community engagement could enhance the user experience and streamline administrative tasks. Your technical expertise could also allow you to implement custom software solutions to analyze member progress and optimize workout routines.

Moreover, the community-focused nature of a CrossFit gym aligns well with the collaborative spirit often found in development teams. Building a community where members support and motivate each other could provide a fulfilling contrast to your usual coding environment, offering both personal satisfaction and a steady revenue stream. If you have a passion for fitness and strong organizational skills, starting a CrossFit gym could be a rewarding entrepreneurial venture that complements your technical career.

How much you can make: $300,000/month

How I Created A Software To Manage Gyms And Reached $100K/Month In Revenue

PushPress, a modern boutique gym management system, shares their journey of bootstrapping their business to over $100,000 MRR, and the lessons learned about focusing on marketing to attract and retain customers and putting processes in place to learn from failure.

Read by 137,293 founders

11. Start a browser extension business ($20.3K/month)

As a back-end developer, starting a browser extension business could be a lucrative side venture or even a main business. This endeavor leverages your existing software development skills to create small yet powerful tools that enhance users' online experiences. Extensions such as ad blockers, password managers, or task streamlining tools are in high demand, presenting numerous opportunities.

You could design, build, and maintain these extensions, using your back-end expertise to ensure they function seamlessly. Understanding user needs and staying updated with browser changes would be crucial for success in this dynamic market. This business would not only supplement your income but also allow you to explore entrepreneurial possibilities in a growing field.

How much you can make: $1,000 — $50,000/month

How much does it cost to start: $2,560 (?)

How long does it take to build: 50 days (?)

I Built A Website Blocker That Generates $100K Per Year @ 95% Profit

Learn how a designer and developer from Indonesia created Session, an app that helps people stay focused by blocking distractions, which currently makes $5.8K per month in revenue through its freemium business model.

Read by 16,870 founders

12. Start an ecommerce brand ($79.9K/month)

As a back-end developer, starting an ecommerce brand offers you the chance to leverage your technical skills while diving into the world of online retail. You could create a robust and scalable online store using platforms like Shopify or WooCommerce, ensuring seamless integration with various services and providing an excellent user experience. Your expertise in handling databases, server-side logic, and performance optimization will be instrumental in building a reliable and efficient ecommerce website.

Choosing a niche, sourcing or creating products, and managing inventory and marketing will provide a new set of challenges, but the rewards could be significant. You’ll have the flexibility to control every aspect of your business, from brand identity to pricing strategies, allowing you to cater to your target audience effectively. Additionally, your ability to troubleshoot and enhance the backend functionalities could give you a competitive edge in scaling your venture smoothly.

How much you can make: $450 — $300,000/month

How much does it cost to start: $7,000 (?)

How long does it take to build: 180 days (?)

How I Turned A $5K Investment Into A $7.2M Apparel Brand

This case study follows the story of a successful online business that has made 7.2 million dollars in sales since 2012, with profits of around 30-45%, and the founders share insights on lessons learned and tools used.

Read by 8,757 founders

13. Start an ecommerce platform ($202K/month)

As a back-end developer, starting an ecommerce platform could be a practical and lucrative venture. Your technical expertise provides you with a unique advantage in setting up a robust, secure, and scalable system to handle online transactions, user management, and data analytics. With over 2 billion people preferring online shopping, the demand for efficient and user-friendly ecommerce solutions is steadily increasing, offering a significant market opportunity.

You could leverage your knowledge to create custom features, improve site performance, and ensure seamless integration with payment gateways and inventory management systems. Additionally, your ability to analyze data can help you optimize the shopping experience and enhance customer satisfaction, making your ecommerce platform stand out from the competition. Embracing this entrepreneurial path could set you on the right track toward building a futuristic business in the rapidly growing online marketplace.

How much you can make: $100 — $2,000,000/month

How long does it take to build: 150 days (?)

How I Left My Job To Start A $9K/Month CAD Design Business

A 3D CAD designer and product inventor who started as a side hustle and averaged $9,000 a month in revenue, shares his insights on the ups and downs of owning a service-based business alongside an eCommerce store, as well as lessons learned in customer acquisition and in generating multiple streams of passive income.

Read by 20,198 founders

14. Start a payment app ($716K/month)

As a back-end developer, starting a payment app could be a lucrative side business or even a full-time venture. You could leverage your technical expertise to create a seamless and secure app, allowing business owners and professionals to accept payments from anywhere using their mobile phones or tablets. Given the rising popularity of mobile payments, your app could fill a valuable niche and generate substantial passive income.

Your deep understanding of back-end systems can help you ensure the app is reliable, scalable, and compliant with security standards, making it trustworthy for users. By capturing even a small share of this growing industry, you could create a steady revenue stream with relatively low initial investment.

How much you can make: $1,000 — $2,000,000/month

How long does it take to build: 165 days (?)

How I Created A $60K/Month App That Collects In-Person Payments Through Stripe

Payment.co, an app built on top of the Stripe payment gateway for creating card-present charges, has grown to process over $70M in volume annually since launching in 2015, with the app collecting a 1% service fee on every single charge.

Read by 23,496 founders

15. Start an ecommerce management services ($597K/month)

As a back-end developer, starting an ecommerce management service makes perfect sense given your technical skills and familiarity with digital platforms. By leveraging your expertise, you could offer comprehensive support to online stores, handling crucial tasks like inventory management, customer service, marketing, and order fulfillment. This would make you an indispensable part of their operations, ensuring smooth and efficient processes that allow businesses to grow.

Moreover, you could relieve overwhelmed entrepreneurs by streamlining their ecommerce operations, allowing them to focus on innovation and expansion. Your knack for digital tools and understanding of ecommerce trends positions you perfectly to help businesses thrive. If you’re passionate about the online retail space and enjoy operational management, this venture could be both highly lucrative and personally fulfilling.

How much you can make: $2,300 — $2,400,000/month

How much does it cost to start: $2,000 (?)

How long does it take to build: 90 days (?)

How We Started A $30M/Year Warehouse Management Software And Outsourced Ecommerce Fulfillment Business

ShipHero co-founders built their successful e-commerce fulfillment business, offering warehouse management software and outsourced eCommerce fulfillment, growing revenues from zero to $30 million annually, processing over $5 billion of e-commerce gross merchandise volume (GMV) annually while only having received $435,000 in outside capital investment.

Read by 9,378 founders

16. Start a new years resolution business

Starting a New Year's resolution business could be a lucrative endeavor for a back-end developer. You could leverage your technical expertise to build robust systems that track progress, manage user data, and offer seamless user experiences. Creating a custom-built platform for users to set, track, and achieve their New Year's resolutions could fill a niche in a market where accountability and data-driven solutions are in high demand.

Additionally, you could integrate advanced features like personalized goal recommendations, progress analytics, and community support functions. With your skills, you could develop a scalable and secure platform that caters to a wide array of users, from fitness enthusiasts to career-driven individuals. This venture not only diversifies your income sources but also merges your professional skills with a timely and popular market demand.

17. Start an ecommerce management software ($536K/month)

As a back-end developer, you could leverage your technical skills to create a comprehensive ecommerce management software. This platform would streamline inventory management, sales tracking, and customer interactions, providing online retailers with an all-in-one solution that saves time and reduces errors.

By automating critical aspects of running an online store, such as order processing and customer relationship management, your software could meet the growing demand for intuitive and efficient ecommerce solutions. Whether your target market is small businesses or larger enterprises, there is a substantial opportunity to fulfill a vital need in the online retail space.

Developing this type of software requires more than just coding prowess; it necessitates an understanding of ecommerce operations and a commitment to creating a user-friendly interface. Though challenging, the high demand for effective ecommerce tools makes this a potentially lucrative side business or even a full-time entrepreneurial venture.

How much you can make: $5,000 — $2,400,000/month

How much does it cost to start: $6,500 (?)

How long does it take to build: 90 days (?)

How We Started A $30M/Year Warehouse Management Software And Outsourced Ecommerce Fulfillment Business

ShipHero co-founders built their successful e-commerce fulfillment business, offering warehouse management software and outsourced eCommerce fulfillment, growing revenues from zero to $30 million annually, processing over $5 billion of e-commerce gross merchandise volume (GMV) annually while only having received $435,000 in outside capital investment.

Read by 9,378 founders

18. Start a floating docks business

As a back-end developer, you could leverage your technical skills to create a custom software solution that optimizes floating dock manufacturing and logistics. By developing an efficient online platform to manage orders, inventory, and customer inquiries, you could streamline operations and offer a more tech-savvy approach to this traditional industry. This would not only improve customer experience but also set your business apart from less technologically advanced competitors.

Additionally, you might consider creating a subscription-based maintenance service for floating docks, utilizing IoT devices for real-time monitoring and alerts. This could add a recurring revenue stream to your business and provide customers with peace of mind knowing their investment is well-maintained. By combining your back-end development expertise with the practical needs of floating dock users, you have the potential to create a scalable and innovative venture.

19. Develop a money transfer app

As a back-end developer, you could leverage your skills to create a reliable and secure money transfer app. This business idea involves developing an app that enables users to effortlessly send money both domestically and internationally. The primary focus will be on building a robust backend that ensures seamless, secure transactions, while also integrating with financial institutions to facilitate smooth operations.

Given the increasing globalization and the rising demand for quick, efficient cross-border money transfers, this market has significant potential. By targeting expatriates, freelancers, and global families, your app could address a growing need in the fintech space. With digital wallets and fintech services becoming mainstream, now is an opportune moment to capitalize on this trend and create a service that will be in constant demand.

How much you can make: $11,500/month

I Raised 6 Figures And Built A $140K/Year Money Transfer Comparison Website

MoneyTransfers.com is a comparison website which has grown to generate average monthly revenues of £2.5m and 2,500 new customers for partners each month since founder Jonathan Merry took the plunge in 2019; despite only experiencing organic acquisition in the last year, the company's solid traffic and range of digital PR campaigns aimed at the expat community have contributed to the company's establishment as a trusted brand in the money transfers space.

Read by 2,910 founders

20. Become a freelance web developer ($55.2K/month)

As a back-end developer, you could supplement your income by starting a side business as a freelance web developer. This opportunity leverages your existing expertise in back-end technologies and allows you to expand into front-end development by learning languages like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. By doing so, you position yourself as a versatile and highly sought-after professional capable of handling full-stack development projects.

Freelancing offers high pay rates, often exceeding those of freelance writers and graphic designers, making it a lucrative endeavor. You could also find a niche within web development, such as e-commerce or portfolio sites, and build specialized projects that highlight your skills. Establishing a personal brand and enhancing your portfolio can help attract clients and set your business apart in a competitive market, providing you with both financial gains and the flexibility to choose your projects.

How much you can make: $6,000 — $148,000/month

How much does it cost to start: $2,500 (?)

How long does it take to build: 90 days (?)

How I Started A $750K/Year Web Development Agency

Cantilever Web Design and Development, with clients including IBM and small businesses, reached a revenue of over $750k last year with a gross margin of 50% by prioritizing Digital Hospitality, fostering high-quality relationships, and constantly improving their process and philosophy.

Read by 42,592 founders

21. Start an outdoor concerts business

As a back-end developer considering a venture into the outdoor concerts business, you could leverage your technical skills to create innovative solutions for event management. From developing bespoke ticketing systems to integrating robust databases for artist schedules and vendor logistics, your background in back-end development gives you a unique edge in streamlining operations and enhancing user experience.

Additionally, you could utilize your knowledge of data analytics to craft targeted marketing strategies, ensuring your events reach the right audience. Your ability to handle complex tasks, such as managing digital payments and online security, would be invaluable in creating a seamless and secure environment for concert-goers. This way, you blend your technical expertise with a passion for music, turning every event into a captivating experience that resonates with attendees and creates lasting memories.

How much you can make: $2,000/month

How long does it take to build: 270 days (?)

How I Created A $2K/Month Hunting Moccasins Brand

Silent Pursuit is a hunting industry startup that sells deer stalking/hunting moccasins designed to reduce noise and increase comfort while hunting, with a successful launch that brought in around $2k per month, and plans to expand their product line and improve online sales with efficient marketing on Facebook and Google.

Read by 4,171 founders

22. Start an online tool ($13.5K/month)

As a back-end developer, you could leverage your technical skills to create an online tool that simplifies everyday tasks. Whether it's a web application for project management, scheduling, or financial tracking, your expertise can be pivotal in solving specific problems that people and businesses face regularly. This venture involves identifying a common challenge, designing a user-friendly solution, and ensuring that it is reliable and secure.

Starting an online tool allows you to tap into the growing demand for digital solutions aimed at increasing efficiency and productivity. It will require substantial effort in market research, development, and customer support, but the potential for significant returns makes it a worthwhile pursuit. By continually improving your tool based on user feedback and market trends, you can create a sustainable and impactful business.

How much you can make: $500 — $35,000/month

How much does it cost to start: $1,500 (?)

How long does it take to build: 70 days (?)

How We Built An $8K/Month Niche Online Tool [Business Idea Validated On Reddit]

Stagetimer generates $8,000 in monthly revenue by providing a simple online countdown timer for event producers to keep meetings and presentations on time, built based on a need in the market and validated through word of mouth and search engine optimization.

Read by 14,372 founders

23. Start a reviews and rating app business ($19K/month)

As a back-end developer, starting a reviews and rating app business could be an excellent entrepreneurial path for you. You could leverage your expertise in database management, performance optimization, and secure data handling to build a robust platform that ensures authentic and reliable reviews. By focusing on developing a scalable architecture, you could manage high volumes of user-generated content efficiently, making the platform reliable and fast for end-users.

Furthermore, your skills could be instrumental in implementing verification processes to ensure the authenticity of reviews, thereby enhancing user trust and engagement. You could also explore innovative ways to drive user engagement through gamification, personalized experience, and integrating AI-driven recommendations. By building partnerships with businesses, you could generate multiple revenue streams, whether through affiliate marketing, premium accounts, or advertisement integrations. This approach aligns perfectly with the growing demand for social proof and community-driven decision-making, offering a promising and dynamic business opportunity.

How much you can make: $40 — $50,000/month

How much does it cost to start: $1,000 (?)

How long does it take to build: 60 days (?)

How We Created A Chrome Extension & Hit The Top Of The App Store

Travel-tech startup RatePunk created a browser extension that compares hotel prices across different booking websites for free and achieved over 3,000 installs within a few weeks of launch, while learning valuable marketing lessons from social media platforms, micro-influencers, and online communities.

Read by 5,924 founders

24. Start a content creator coaching ($1.29M/month)

As a back-end developer, you possess a deep understanding of the technological framework that powers online platforms, making you an ideal candidate to start a content creator coaching business. You could help struggling influencers and aspiring YouTubers optimize their platforms, craft compelling content, and build a strategic online presence. Leveraging your technical expertise, you could offer insights on video quality enhancements, blog post optimizations, and audience engagement strategies.

By evaluating clients' strengths and setting actionable goals, you'll mentor them in transforming raw talent into polished brands. This venture goes beyond mere social media tips; it encompasses a holistic approach to building a sustainable online presence. With a knack for social media strategy and content creation, you could create a lucrative consulting business while helping others achieve their dreams.

How much you can make: $500,000 — $2,083,333/month

How much does it cost to start: $3,500 (?)

How long does it take to build: 30 days (?)

We Built a Content Machine That Generates $6M in Revenue Per Year

This case study article is about ContentCreator.com, an online education platform that teaches professional content creation, which started with just $60 spent on Facebook ads and scaled to over $35,000 in sales per week within the first month, becoming an 8-figure business that has helped launch the careers of thousands of aspiring content creators.

Read by 6,813 founders

25. Start a repair training programs business

As a back-end developer, starting a repair training programs business could be a savvy way to leverage your technical skills and knowledge. You could create comprehensive online courses or workshops that teach people how to repair and maintain various software systems. By designing these programs, you not only share your expertise but also tap into an evergreen market of IT professionals and hobbyists eager to expand their skill sets.

Furthermore, your understanding of complex systems and technology stacks allows you to develop detailed and effective training modules. You could offer different tiers of courses, from beginner to advanced, and even provide certification upon completion. This venture could supplement your income while building a community and reputation in the tech education space.

26. Start an airbnb management company ($153K/month)

Starting an Airbnb management company could be a lucrative side business for a back-end developer. With your technical skills, you could develop sophisticated property management software that automates scheduling, booking, and guest communications, thereby streamlining the day-to-day operations of rental properties. This technological edge could help you attract more homeowners interested in your efficient and effective management services.

Furthermore, your analytical abilities could be leveraged to perform data-driven optimizations for property listings, potentially increasing rental income by 30% to 50% without compromising guest experiences. The fee structure, whether commission-based, flat rate, or guaranteed income, provides flexibility in how you generate earnings, allowing you to scale the business according to your availability and goals.

Overall, an Airbnb management company could not only supplement your income but also provide you with an opportunity to utilize your back-end development skills in a new and exciting way. The average annual salary of $55,000 or $27 per hour demonstrates the financial viability of this entrepreneurial venture.

How much you can make: $35,000 — $270,000/month

How much does it cost to start: $2,500 (?)

How long does it take to build: 30 days (?)

How I Bootstrapped An Airbnb Management Service To $35K/Month

HostButlers is Ireland's first professional property concierge service for short-term rentals on Airbnb, boasting over 200,000 hosted guests and profitability from month 5.

Read by 24,001 founders

27. Start a stock investing business ($30.3K/month)

As a back-end developer, your analytical skills, attention to detail, and problem-solving mindset could be invaluable assets in the stock investing business. You could leverage these capabilities to meticulously analyze market trends, develop algorithms for trading strategies, and make informed investment decisions. Given your proficiency with data, utilizing trading platforms and educational resources to gain deeper financial insights could be a smooth transition.

Moreover, starting a stock investing business offers a flexible way to supplement your income or even pivot into a new entrepreneurial venture. Your ability to code and manage databases could also be applied to automating trades and optimizing your investment strategies. If you’re ready to dedicate time to continuous learning and embrace the intricacies of financial markets, stock investing could become a lucrative and satisfying avenue for your career growth.

How much you can make: $4,000 — $160,000/month

How much does it cost to start: $3,500 (?)

How long does it take to build: 90 days (?)

I Launched A $54K/Year Newsletter That Finds Trending Stocks

Ticker Nerd is a monthly subscription service for investors that surfaces and analyzes trending stocks before the hype train arrives, and now has $4.5k in monthly recurring revenue from its newsletter without spending a single dollar on advertising, having validated the business via subreddits and organic Product Hunt launch strategy.

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28. Start a data analytics software business ($454K/month)

As a back-end developer, starting a data analytics software business could be a natural extension of your existing skills and expertise. With your knowledge in database management, API development, and server-side functionalities, you could create robust software solutions tailored to the specific data analysis needs of various industries. By focusing on a particular niche, whether that be healthcare, finance, or retail, your software could offer specialized reporting tools and dashboards that help clients visualize and interpret their data effectively.

With a user-friendly data analytics product, you could assist businesses in transforming raw data into actionable insights, thereby enhancing their decision-making processes. Your experience in coding and system architecture would allow you to build scalable and efficient analytics tools that are easy for clients to integrate into their existing systems. Marketing your software’s simplicity, efficiency, and ability to deliver tangible value could attract a solid customer base, gradually paving the way for your side business to potentially grow into a full-fledged entrepreneurial venture.

How much you can make: $1,000 — $4,200,000/month

How long does it take to build: 150 days (?)

Diesel Laptops: From Selling on eBay to Making $20M/Year

Diesel Laptops, a B2B company that sells diesel diagnostic hardware, software, and services, successfully doubled revenue each year to make $20 million annually within three years, grew from its founder's garage and dining room table to a 21,000 square foot facility with over 90 employees by listening to customer pain points and offering the bundled products, technical support and repair information to attract and retain diesel technicians and repair shop owners.

Read by 18,834 founders

meet the author
Pat Walls

I'm Pat Walls and I created Starter Story - a website dedicated to helping people start businesses. We interview entrepreneurs from around the world about how they started and grew their businesses.