Customer Support App

5 Customer Support App Success Stories [2024]

Updated: September 6th, 2024

Handling customer support can be labor-intensive, but what if there was an app for that? Enter the customer support app. This business idea involves developing a mobile or web-based application that streamlines the process of managing customer inquiries, complaints, and feedback.

Imagine consolidating all customer interactions into one intuitive interface, accessible anytime, anywhere. Users can automate ticketing, integrate multiple communication channels, and even use AI-driven chatbots to provide instant responses. It’s not just about resolving issues; it's about enhancing the user experience and fostering loyal, satisfied customers.

Building a customer support app demands a blend of technical expertise, user experience design, and an understanding of customer service dynamics. The payoff? A solution that businesses of all sizes are clamoring for, enabling you to carve out a noticeable niche in a growing market. Investing in this idea means you're not just innovating; you're solving a critical pain point for countless companies.

In this list, you'll find real-world customer support app success stories and very profitable examples of starting a customer support app that makes money.

1. ($49.9M/year)

Colin and his co-founder came up with the idea for while working at another startup. They noticed that email lists were disconnected from app data, making them outdated and incomplete.

They saw an opportunity to streamline the process by breaking down barriers between developers, marketers, and product teams, facilitating better message management and sending between apps and customers.

And we saw this opportunity to breakdown the barriers between developers and the marketers and product people who were trying to modify content of the email, trying to decide when it was time to send a new email, and really streamline that process of how web and mobile app businesses create, manage, and send all of their messages between their app and their customers. — Colin (Source)

How much money it makes: $49.9M/year
How many people on the team: 305


Colin Nederkoorn on Scaling to $50M ARR

A deep dive into how's founder and CEO, Colin Nederkoorn, built a successful marketing automation platform with revenue of $4.16M/month and annual earnings of $49.9M using growth strategies like Twitter engagement, landing pages, and content marketing before offering pricing plans starting at $100/month.

Read by 462 founders

2. Dashly ($2.4M/year)

Dimitri Ive came up with the idea for Dashly when he realized that there was a need for a platform that could bring all customer conversations from various channels into one place. By merging user data and communication channels, Dashly simplifies how businesses communicate with their loyal customers. Since its launch in 2018, Dashly has grown to a team of 95 experts and generates $200K in monthly recurring revenue.

How much money it makes: $2.4M/year
How much did it cost to start: $10K
How many people on the team: 95


How We Abandoned The Agency Model To Build A $200K/Month Marketing Software

Dashly, a conversational marketing software, grew from a team of five to 95 experts and currently has a $200K MRR, providing a platform that simplifies the way businesses communicate with their loyal customers by bringing all conversations from a live chat, emails, socials, and messengers into one place.

Read by 2,914 founders

3. GreenRope ($1.92M/year)

metrics for our business are our customer satisfaction and retention rates, which remain consistently high. We currently have over 1,000 customers in over 20 countries, ranging from startups to universities and municipalities. Moving forward, we plan to continue evolving and improving our platform to meet the changing needs of businesses and provide even greater value to our customers.

How much money it makes: $1.92M/year
How many people on the team: 15


On Starting A $160K/Month CRM & Automations Company After A US Air Force Career

GreenRope, a self-funded CRM and marketing automation platform with over 1,000 customers in 20 countries, was built organically and focused on creating a positive, customer-centric culture without outside investment, with an all-in-one interface solving challenges in managing sales, marketing, customer service, and operations.

Read by 11,984 founders

4. EspoCRM ($360K/year)

Oleksii Avramenko, one of the founders of EspoCRM, noticed a gap in the market for a universal and affordable CRM solution for small and mid-size businesses. With previous experience in the CRM industry, Avramenko and his team created EspoCRM, which has since seen significant success with an average of over 16,000 downloads per year and earning up to $30k a month. Through their innovative approach and dedication to customer satisfaction, EspoCRM has become a go-to CRM application for businesses looking to improve efficiency and performance.

How much money it makes: $360K/year
How much did it cost to start: $10K
How many people on the team: 1


How We Developed A $30K/Month Open Source CRM

EspoCRM, an open-source CRM application for small and mid-size businesses, has seen an average of over 16,000 downloads per year and makes up to $30k per month, offering efficient tools to systematize customer data, improve sales cycles, and automate routine administrative tasks.

Read by 10,890 founders

5. Helpkit ($54K/year)

Dominik Sobe, the solo founder of Seven Degrees Labs, came up with the idea for his most successful product, HelpKit, while working on other projects that required a help desk tool. Realizing that he already documented his business using Notion, he wanted to create a professional knowledge base using the platform, leading him to build HelpKit. Now exceeding his goal of $3K MRR, Sobe is grateful for the success of HelpKit and the ability to work on his own terms.

How much money it makes: $54K/year
How much did it cost to start: $0
How many people on the team: 1


How 'Sharing In Public' Led Me To My First Customers [Zero Paid Advertising]

Case study of a solo founder who built HelpKit, a profitable software product that turns Notion pages into professional knowledge bases, surpassing his goal of $3K MRR by another $2K, and shares his process of building the MVP using Figma and a landing page to validate the idea, launching on Twitter, and growing through sharing his story on Reddit and Indiehackers, creating free tools like Notion Simple Table Generator, building on a growing niche, getting to know his customers, and accepting slow growth.

Read by 4,779 founders