Email Marketing Software

Business Idea: Start An Email Marketing Software in 2024

Updated: September 3rd, 2024

Avg Monthly Revenue
Avg Revenue
Min Revenue
Max Revenue
Avg Days To Build
180 days

Capture more leads and increase business revenue with email marketing software. This business idea involves developing a platform that helps companies create, manage, and optimize email campaigns to their audience.

You'll build software that offers features like automated email sequences, A/B testing, analytics, and template designs. The goal is to make it easier for businesses to communicate effectively with their customers, nurture leads, and drive conversions.

Starting this venture requires a good grasp of software development and a keen understanding of effective marketing strategies. It’s a thriving field with a constant demand for improved tools as companies seek better ways to engage their audiences.

If you're passionate about tech and marketing, email marketing software could be a rewarding business idea to explore.

Revenue & Profitability

How much do email marketing softwares make?

Examples Of Successful Email Marketing Softwares

Successful email marketing software businesses and case studies

Mailmodo, an email marketing software that enables marketers to send app-like interactive emails, accelerated to 100k+ ARR in just five months after launching the public version in January 2021, with a focus on attracting and retaining customers through organic growth and product-led solutions.

$8.5K Monthly Revenue
Read by 7,864 founders

Bryn Bonino founded a company that helps micro-businesses connect with their ideal clients, averaging $1,300 per month since shifting from an hourly consultant to offering entire packages to help clients meet their business goals.

$1.3K Monthly Revenue
Read by 6,437 founders

See full list of successful email marketing softwares.