Office Rugs Business

Office Rugs Business Success Stories [2024]

Updated: September 6th, 2024

Rugs are of great use when it comes to outlining a space within your office and also livening the office pace. If you are interested in selling rugs, you can start supplying them to office owners and providing them with rug installation services. To sell rugs, you need to understand the target market to figure out what types of rugs to sell. You can open an online rugs store or deliver to customers directly.

In this list, you'll find real-world office rugs business success stories and very profitable examples of starting a office rugs business that makes money.

1. Stacked ($720K/year)

Druce, one of the co-founders of Stacked, initially started the business as a platform to cut out the middleman in the real estate industry. However, they realized that the market wasn't ready for their product and shifted their focus to creating comprehensive and objective condo reviews, which set them apart from the competition. Their strategy of doubling down on content, including long-tail keywords, has resulted in immediate growth for the business.

How much money it makes: $720K/year
How much did it cost to start: $50K
How many people on the team: 10


How I Started A $60K/Month Media Company Focused On The Real Estate Market

A real estate media company in Singapore skyrocketed its monthly revenue to $60k by providing in-depth condo reviews and leveraging high-quality multimedia content, gaining 700k page views, 43k Instagram followers, and 17k YouTube subscribers.

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