Email Newsletter Business

Business Idea: Start An Email Newsletter Business in 2024

Updated: September 3rd, 2024

Avg Monthly Revenue
Avg Startup Costs
Market Size
Avg Revenue
Min Revenue
Max Revenue
Avg Days To Build
14 days

Struggling to make the most of your writing talents? Consider starting an email newsletter business. An email newsletter business involves curating, creating, and distributing niche-specific content to a targeted audience through email.

Imagine being the go-to source for engaged readers who eagerly await your content, offering valuable insights, advice, or entertainment. You'll need to consistently produce high-quality content and market your newsletter effectively to build a subscriber base.

From exploring affiliates to paid subscriptions, monetization can become a steady revenue stream. Your ability to engage readers will be key, so think about what unique perspective you can offer. It's an effective way to harness your writing skills and entrepreneurial spirit.

Revenue & Profitability

How much do email newsletter businesses make?

Learn more about how much money email newsletter businesses make.

Startup Costs

How much does it cost to start an email newsletter business?

  • It can cost as low as $100 to start an email newsletter business.
  • It can cost as high as $500,000 to start an email newsletter business.

Learn more about the costs of an email newsletter business.

Examples Of Successful Email Newsletter Businesses

Successful email newsletter business businesses and case studies

Financial media company MarketBeat, founded by Matt Paulson, provides objective financial information and real-time market data to empower individual stock investors to make better trading decisions, generating approximately $8 million in revenue in 2019 and ending the year with over 1.3 million unique email subscribers due to a freemium model with 75% of revenue from advertising and 25% from subscriptions.

$3M Monthly Revenue
Read by 28,497 founders

Contrarian Thinking is a premium membership community that teaches its 1.5 million members how to implement cash flow strategies to achieve financial freedom, with a current run rate of $3 million and a goal of $50 million ARR in five years.

$250K Monthly Revenue
$5K Startup Costs
Read by 5,924 founders

See full list of successful email newsletter businesses.