Slack Bot Business

3 Slack Bot Business Success Stories [2024]

Updated: September 21st, 2024

A Slack bot business involves creating and selling custom automated programs, or "bots," that enhance communication and productivity within the Slack messaging platform.

These bots can perform tasks like scheduling meetings, sending reminders, and providing quick access to information, all without leaving the Slack interface.

Starting a Slack bot business is a low-cost venture because it primarily requires knowledge of programming languages and access to the Slack platform, which often offers free developer accounts.

With a bit of coding expertise, you can create valuable bots that address specific needs in the workplace, making it an accessible and potentially profitable business idea.

In this list, you'll find real-world slack bot business success stories and very profitable examples of starting a slack bot business that makes money.

1. Meet for Slack ($24K/year)

In 2021, Adam used Slack daily to interact with his teammates and coworkers.

He found it frustrating that Slack did not have an integrated system for calls and meetings. Whenever Adam needed to join a call, he had to obtain a link from Google Meet or Zoom and then paste it into Slack.

Adam thought this was a big hassle and that there should be a better way to jump into meetings.

So, he took the matter into his own hands and created an app called Meet for Slack.

How much money it makes: $24K/year
How much did it cost to start: $500


How Adam Charvat Built Meet for Slack & Sold It For an Upper 5-Figure Price

Founder creates Meet for Slack, an app allowing quick Google Meet calls from Slack channels; solves the hassle of switching between apps; grew organically with Slack app directory; priced at $50-$500/year based on team size, $2/member/year for enterprises; generating $24K/year since 2021.

Read by 356 founders

2. reviewflowz ($8.52K/year)

After working in the email marketing and marketing automation space, co-founder Axel realized the importance of review management for business growth. He pitched the idea of creating a platform that democratizes the review management playbook to his co-founder Gaurav, and reviewflowz was born. The team built and launched the Slack bot in just three weeks, and they are now working towards achieving product-market fit and becoming the go-to review management tool for SaaS businesses.

How much money it makes: $8.52K/year
How much did it cost to start: $97
How many people on the team: 1

We Built, Launched & Monetized A Slack Bot In 3 Weeks

Reviewflowz, a nascent SaaS review management tool, discusses their bootstrap MVP process and their struggles with finding product-market fit.

Read by 3,664 founders

3. Vestris LLC ($2.94K/year)

Daniel Doubrovkine, also known as "dB," started his business while working at Artsy. He was inspired by a bot that kept score of ping-pong games in Slack and decided to fix its design flaws. This led him to create, a Slack ping-pong leaderboard, which now has 78 paying customers.

How much money it makes: $2.94K/year
How many people on the team: 0


On Developing And Marketing Slack Bots While Working A Full Time Job

How one engineer successfully runs multiple profitable Slack bots as a small auto-pilot business, relying on constant feature upgrades and customer retention instead of focusing on conversion rates, resulting in $3,299.07 in 2019, all while working full-time as a Principal Engineer at AWS Data Exchange.

Read by 7,341 founders