Travel Guide Website

Business Idea: Start A Travel Guide Website in 2024

Updated: September 3rd, 2024

Avg Monthly Revenue
Avg Startup Costs
Market Size
Avg Revenue
Min Revenue
Max Revenue
Avg Days To Build
90 days

A travel guide website is a website that provides information about traveling. It can be for any type of travel, such as air, bus, or train. Some websites provide general information about different types of transportation and destinations.

Other websites may provide detailed information about one type of transportation (such as trains) or one destination (such as Kenya). To start a travel guide website, you need to know your destination and the types of content you want to publish.

A travel guide website can be a blog or a full-fledged website, but it should be informative and well-designed. You should also think about how it will look on mobile devices.

The next step is to create the content for your website and ensure that it's up-to-date with current events in the region. An SEO strategy and an understanding of online marketing campaigns can help travelers find your site when searching for regional information.

Lastly, you should work on building links with other relevant websites so that search engines can find and rank your site better in their search results pages.

Revenue & Profitability

How much do travel guide websites make?

Startup Costs

How much does it cost to start a travel guide website?

  • It can cost as low as $1,500 to start a travel guide website.
  • It can cost as high as $600,000 to start a travel guide website.

Learn more about the costs of a travel guide website.

Examples Of Successful Travel Guide Websites

Successful travel guide website businesses and case studies

SmartGuide, a digital tour guide platform that turns every phone into a personal tour guide using audio, geolocation, and Augmented Reality, has exceeded 500 destinations and is approaching half a million users in just three years since founding.

$30K Monthly Revenue
$600K Startup Costs
Read by 3,339 founders

Yolo Journal's founder, Yolanda Edwards, launched a travel lifestyle media brand with a magazine and newsletter that now generates $20k a month in revenue. Edwards' business success can be attributed to understanding the hole in the magazine market and creating trust-worthy insider information.

$20K Monthly Revenue
$15K Startup Costs
Read by 5,526 founders

See full list of successful travel guide websites.