22 Tips For Starting A Successful Women's Clothing Line (2024)

Updated: January 19th, 2023
Start A Women's Clothing Line

Want to start your own women's clothing line? Here are some tips you should know:

Learn more about starting a women's clothing line:

Where to start?

-> How to start a women's clothing line?
-> How much does it cost to start a women's clothing line?
-> Pros and cons of a women's clothing line

Need inspiration?

-> Other women's clothing line success stories
-> Examples of established women's clothing line
-> Marketing ideas for a women's clothing line
-> Women's clothing line slogans
-> Women's clothing line names

Other resources

-> Women's clothing line quotes

We've interviewed thousands of successful founders at Starter Story and asked what advice they would give to entrepreneurs who are just getting started.

Here's the best advice we discovered for starting a women's clothing line:

#1: Christina DuVarney, founder of Beautiful Disaster:

We chatted with with Christina, founder of Beautiful Disaster ($600K/month). In our interview, Christina says:

Failure is inevitable! So, start right where you are. Even if it is just with an idea, you will figure things out as you go.


Read the full interview ➜

#2: Natalie Pitts, founder of Go Mama:

We chatted with with Natalie, founder of Go Mama ($3K/month). In our interview, Natalie says:

In February 2022, the agency created several Google Ads for Go Mama and the results have been instant and our most effective form of marketing to date.


Sometimes I find great success with something the first time and think I've hit the jackpot but find it doesn't work when I try the same approach again. If you don't try you will never know - you have nothing to lose!


Read the full interview ➜

#3: Natalie Matthews , founder of Height Of Fashion:

We chatted with with Natalie, founder of Height Of Fashion ($25K/month). In our interview, Natalie says:

Be clear on your purpose. Frame it, put it as your phone/ laptop wallpaper. Say it out loud daily. Do absolutely everything in your willpower to stick to it and keep to it daily. By focusing on it, you dream it into existence without it being derailed by other expectations.


Read the full interview ➜

#4: Susan Costanza, founder of Sleeves 2 Go:

We chatted with with Susan, founder of Sleeves 2 Go ($2.3K/month). In our interview, Susan says:

What I learned is that, no matter what you are selling, do it with integrity, believe in your product or what you are doing wholeheartedly, work hard and work smart!


Read the full interview ➜

#5: Susie Q Aranda, founder of Garage Gym Barbell Apparel:

We chatted with with Susie, founder of Garage Gym Barbell Apparel ($7K/month). In our interview, Susie says:

Start small with what you have and grow at a pace that allows you to be ready for bigger things to come.


Read the full interview ➜

#6: Kristi Soomer, founder of Encircled:

We chatted with with Kristi, founder of Encircled ($200K/month). In our interview, Kristi says:

Early in my career, I worked for a home security provider, and I remember the CEO once saying that it costs 10-20x less to retain a customer than to get a new one. That has always stuck with me.


Read the full interview ➜

#7: Jeremy Roberts, founder of Tradlands:

We chatted with with Jeremy, founder of Tradlands ($134K/month). In our interview, Jeremy says:

Email marketing has proven year over year to be our silent driver of revenue.


Read the full interview ➜

#8: Natalie Matthews , founder of Height Of Fashion:

We chatted with with Natalie, founder of Height Of Fashion ($25K/month). In our interview, Natalie says:

Being 6’3 and frustrated AF with the lack of fashionable options available to me, I always wanted to start my own clothing label from a young age.


I had also transitioned from being an Instagramer to an online retail brand almost overnight.


Find like minded individuals or business owners going through the same journey – it helps you learn, support and bounce ideas off each other.


Read the full interview ➜

#9: Karen Lee, founder of Leze Apparel Inc.:

We chatted with with Karen, founder of Leze Apparel Inc. ($45K/month). In our interview, Karen says:

After crowdfunding US$250,000, we realized that other people wanted to wear pajamas in public, too.


Time blocking my life has been my secret to avoiding burnout and protecting my rest. It can be tempting to keep working because you have that flexibility. Make restoration a priority. No, you, no business, right?


Whatever you don't know, somebody out there does. Humble yourself to how little you know, and have the willingness to ask. You will grow exponentially when you are shameless in learning.


Read the full interview ➜

#10: Christina DuVarney, founder of Beautiful Disaster:

We chatted with with Christina, founder of Beautiful Disaster ($600K/month). In our interview, Christina says:

Start right where you are. You do NOT need to have everything ready and all of your proverbial ducks in a row to get started!


Read the full interview ➜

#11: Christina DuVarney, founder of Beautiful Disaster:

We chatted with with Christina, founder of Beautiful Disaster ($600K/month). In our interview, Christina says:

Being able to make a positive impact on someone makes all the hard work worth it!


Procrastination is the enemy, there will always be reasons to wait and all of a sudden years will go by.


The difference between what we have done with Beautiful Disaster and what so many other companies have tried to do is that we never gave up when things got tough.


Read the full interview ➜

#12: Brigitte Shamy, founder of SexyModest:

We chatted with with Brigitte, founder of SexyModest ($500K/month). In our interview, Brigitte says:

We know there are a million clothing options for women out there, but we are sure none of them will love you as we will. We want you to be stunning, be modest, be comfy, be YOU!


Read the full interview ➜

#13: Donovan Mathews, founder of Bryden Apparel:

We chatted with with Donovan, founder of Bryden Apparel ($74K/month). In our interview, Donovan says:

As a leader, it’s essential to share your aspirations and vision, provide support and motivate your team.


Read the full interview ➜

#14: Kyle Bergman, founder of Swoveralls:

We chatted with with Kyle, founder of Swoveralls ($100K/month). In our interview, Kyle says:

Twitter has become such a great resource for me, and curating the people you follow to reflect the type of business and goals you have can have a direct, positive impact.


Read the full interview ➜

#15: Natalie Pitts, founder of Go Mama:

We chatted with with Natalie, founder of Go Mama ($3K/month). In our interview, Natalie says:

Trust in your product or service, trust in your brand and trust in yourself. You have worked hard to get where you are so try to block out the noise and the pressure from your competitors.


Read the full interview ➜