
How 3 Founders Built Flodesk from 0 to $25M ARR in 5 Years

Martha Bitar
Founder, Flodesk
started August 2019
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About The Flodesk Founders

Who is Martha Bitar?

Martha Bitar, Rebecca Shostak, and Trong Dong co-founded Flodesk; Martha hails from Mexico and worked at HoneyBook, Rebecca is a Silicon Valley native with a background in design and English from UCLA, and Trong is the visionary CTO from Vietnam.

About The Business

What problem is Flodesk solving?

Flodesk simplifies email marketing for small business owners, solving the painful problem of designing visually appealing emails without technical expertise or high costs. By offering flat-rate pricing and user-friendly templates, Flodesk enables small businesses to create professional, on-brand emails effortlessly, fostering business growth through enhanced customer communication.


How did Martha Bitar get the idea for Flodesk?

Martha Bitar, Rebecca Shostak, and Trong Dong envisioned Flodesk out of a mutual frustration with existing email marketing tools that were either too complex or didn't support beautiful designs. Martha noticed small business owners struggled with current platforms while working at HoneyBook, and Rebecca's template business faced continuous issues as customers found it difficult to implement aesthetic email designs on platforms like MailChimp. Realizing they were addressing an underappreciated gap, they conducted numerous customer interviews to validate this pain point.

During development, they closely engaged with their target audience of creatives and small business owners, refining their product based on direct feedback. This approach allowed them to ensure they were genuinely solving the right problems and building a user-friendly platform. A challenge they faced was balancing development with their full-time jobs and bootstrapped resources, but their early focus on customer interviews and prototype testing helped them persist. Their key lesson was the importance of deeply understanding their audience's needs before writing any code, ensuring a product-market fit from the start.


How did Martha Bitar build the initial version of Flodesk?

Flodesk's development process kicked off in late 2018, focusing on creating an email marketing platform with beautiful design and simplicity. The technology stack comprised Amazon AWS for hosting and Ruby on Rails for back-end development, while the front-end utilized JavaScript frameworks. Rebecca and Martha designed initial prototypes themselves using Photoshop, even creating custom emails for their first 30 beta testers. The core MVP, which was built between 2018 and 2019, took about a year to develop and was initially a basic system to send emails without complex features. Throughout this process, the team faced technical challenges, particularly with server capacity as user growth surged. Despite these hurdles, Flodesk's relentless customer feedback loop enabled rapid iterations and improvements to the platform.


How did Martha Bitar launch Flodesk?

Initial Customer Outreach

Flodesk's journey began with a lot of hustle and personal connections. Martha, Rebecca, and Trong targeted their own networks to introduce Flodesk. They reached out to acquaintances and professional contacts, asking for feedback and support. They posted in relevant Facebook groups and forums, sharing early designs and inviting people to test the platform.


  • They conducted up to 12 customer interviews per day.
  • By asking for three referrals per call, they exponentially increased their reach.

Beta Testing

Flodesk initially launched with around 30 beta users. During this beta phase, Rebecca personally created custom email templates for each user, guiding them through the process to ensure they were happy with the result. This hands-on approach built strong customer relationships and generated word-of-mouth referrals.


  • 30 beta users converted to paying customers when the monthly subscription fee was introduced.

Referral Program

To drive growth, Flodesk implemented a referral program where every user had an affiliate link offering 50% off for new customers. This encouraged users to share Flodesk with their networks.


  • By December 2019, just a few months after the launch, they had 5,000 paying customers.
  • Achieved around $190,000 in monthly revenue (considering typical discounts).

Viral Loop

Flodesk included a footer in their emails that read “Made with love and Flodesk,” which approximately 83% of users kept. This subtle but potent strategy naturally led to more visibility and conversions as recipients of those emails checked out the platform.


  • Over 75% of their referrals came from individual users.
  • This contributed significantly to their rapid growth in customer base and ARR.


What is the growth strategy for Flodesk?

Email Referral Program

Flodesk leveraged a powerful referral program to grow exponentially. Every user was provided with a unique referral link that offered new sign-ups a 50% discount for their first year and also rewarded the referrer. This strategy turned their customer base into a motivated sales force, with over 75% of their referrals coming from individuals. The viral nature of email campaigns, especially with the "Made with love in Flodesk" footer, ensured widespread visibility. Almost 83% of users kept this footer, leading to increased organic growth as recipients of these beautifully designed emails would click through out of curiosity.

Valuable Partnerships and Community Building

Flodesk also built strong partnerships and a supportive community through initiatives like the Flodesk Insiders Facebook group. This group now has about 18,000 members who actively engage and support each other, functioning almost like an extended customer success team. By tapping into the natural inclinations of small business owners to support each other, Flodesk created a tight-knit community where users assist each other with not only product-related issues but also business strategies, thereby significantly reducing churn and increasing customer retention.

Direct Customer Engagement

From its early days, Flodesk focused heavily on direct customer engagement. The founders conducted numerous customer interviews to understand pain points and gather feedback. This information guided product development to ensure that the platform met the actual needs of users. Even as the company grew, the team continued to engage customers through communication channels like their Facebook support group, responding quickly to issues like the drop in platform usage during the pandemic. This direct line of communication helped them pivot quickly by releasing COVID-19 response templates, which became some of their most used.

Viral Growth Mechanisms

Flodesk implemented viral growth loops within their product by encouraging users to share their success. The aesthetically pleasing email templates created with Flodesk often included a footer indicating the email was "Made with love in Flodesk". This subtly promoted Flodesk to every recipient of those emails, driving curiosity and conversions. Additionally, their affiliate program was intentionally made non-exclusive, allowing any user to become a brand ambassador, thereby amplifying its reach significantly.

These strategies—referral programs, community-driven support, direct customer engagement, and viral growth loops—were foundational to Flodesk's impressive journey from $0 to $25 million in annual recurring revenue.


How does Flodesk price their products?

Flodesk offers a free "Link in bio" plan, with its core email marketing service priced at $35/month annually and a combined email-plus-checkout plan at $59/month annually.

Lessons Learned

What were the biggest lessons Martha Bitar learned building Flodesk?
  1. Be Relentlessly Customer-Focused: Flodesk's commitment to their customers' success, from custom emails for beta testers to immediate COVID responses, shows the importance of prioritizing customer needs above all else.
  2. Create Viral Loops: By adding "Made with love and Flodesk" footers in emails, they leveraged their product's own usage as a marketing tool. This created organic growth as each email sent from their platform acted as an advertisement.
  3. Hire Around the Globe: By hiring the best talent no matter where they are, Flodesk created a diverse, global team. This strategy not only allowed them to grow effectively but also to access a wider pool of talent.
  4. Incentivize Customer Success: Their Customer-Led Growth approach ensured that the more successful their customers became, the more successful Flodesk became. This alignment of goals fostered deep loyalty and organic growth.
  5. Be Adaptable and Resilient: Flodesk adapted quickly to external challenges such as the pandemic by introducing relevant email templates. Their resilience and ability to pivot according to situational demands played a key role in their sustained growth.

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More about Flodesk

Who is the owner of Flodesk?

Martha Bitar is the founder of Flodesk.

When did Martha Bitar start Flodesk?


What is Martha Bitar's net worth?

Martha Bitar's business makes an average of $2.08M/month.

How much money has Martha Bitar made from Flodesk?

Martha Bitar started the business in 2019, and currently makes an average of $25M/year.